What The Heart Wants

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Almost a year had past since Kara's fling with Oliver. She had almost forgotten about it. If it wasn't for the weird dreams she's been having ever since. But since she never ran into him anywhere for almost a year, all her feelings were gone. That's at least until they were both on Barry and Iris's rehearsal dinner the night before their wedding day.
  "Oliver I don't wanna marry you!" Felicity yelled so everyone in the room heard it. Then she rushed out and Oliver was left standing there feeling more humiliated than he ever had in his life.
  He stepped out the back of Jitters and hoped no one would follow him. Kara couldn't help but feel bad for him so when no one else was looking she sneaked after him.
  He was leaning against the door right outside the back of the cafe. "Don't!" Oliver held up his hand as a warning that he wanted to be left alone. She was the last person he wanted to see right now. Considering the odd dreams he'd been having about her lately. But Kara ignored him and leaned against the wall next to him. She didn't say anything, but she wanted to offer her support in case he needed it.
  "Why are you out here anyway? Go back inside." Oliver said but Kara still ignored him.
"I don't know what you and Felicity are going through, but I know relationship issues. My situation back home is too complicated to explain to anyone." she said and sighed when she remembered that Mon-El was married to someone else. Oliver glanced at her.
  "Give me the name of the guy who hurt you and I'd punch him for you." Oliver said and Kara couldn't help but chuckle even though it wasn't funny, but it was rather cute that he was so protective. Even though it had been a year since their one-night-stand and they hadn't seen each other since. She had been having these recurring weird dreams about him lately. She wasn't sure what they meant, because they almost felt like visions or memories. There was a reason she felt nervous standing so close to him right now.
  "You don't have to do that for me. I'm just saying, if you need anyone to talk to... I'm here." she said and blushed. She hoped she didn't sound too forward and she wasn't sure why she even cared so much.
  His arm almost brushed against hers and she could feel him reaching for her hand. Her heart started racing and she looked up and met his gaze. He looked at her as if he was about to kiss her.
  "I'm sorry, I don't even know why I did that..." Oliver said and blushed as he let go of her hand. Get a grip, Oliver, you're still in a relationship even if it was just shaken up some he thought to himself. But he couldn't deny that lately he had been physically unable to stop thinking about Kara. He even dreamed about her at night. It started to get on his nerves.
  "Um... have you also.. been having these weird...dreams lately about.. us?" Kara stuttered through the sentence and her cheeks were turning bright red. She instantly felt stupid for saying those words out loud. Why did she reveal that? He must be thinking she's crazy.
  Oliver's heart jumped in his chest. She had been dreaming about him too? What does that even mean? "Yes. I know it must sound crazy but I even dreamed that...we were married." he said and paused. He was to embarrassed to even look at her right now. "But that would obviously be crazy!" he added. He was trying to convince them both. Her heart skipped a beat and she turned towards him and freaked out. "Wait? What?! You dreamed that too? What's that about? I would never marry someone like you..." she said and when she saw the serious and confused look on his face she added. "No offense."
  Oliver cracked a nervous laugh. "None taken. And I don't know, maybe that's why I just proposed to Felicity... because she's..." he didn't know what to say but Kara knew exactly what he was thinking. "Cause she's the love of your life. No matter what these weird dreams are trying to tell us..." she said with a raised voice as she looked up at the stars as if it was the universe's fault. "You hear that!" she continued out into the night. "This..." she pointed at herself and then at Oliver. "...is never gonna happen! Again!" she sighed and tore her gaze from the sky. Oliver couldn't help but laugh. She started giggling too. He glanced at her. She was always beautiful but the way the moonlight lit up her hair and her eyes made her look absolutely perfect tonight. It suddenly made sense why he saw her in his dreams. Then without even realizing it he found himself reaching out to place a hand under her chin and tilted her head up to meet his gaze. Her blue eyes were sparkling like the stars. He leaned in slowly when he couldn't resist the impulse to kiss her anymore. He pressed his lips against hers gently but passionately at the same time and he was surprised when she kissed him back. Her lips were as soft as he remembered. The dreams were nothing compared to kissing her for real. She hungrily deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck lightly. His lips wandered down to her neck and when she gasped, she made him aware of what he was doing and he instinctively pulled away.
  "Oh god, I'm so sorry Kara. I don't know why I did that. I wasn't going to..." Oliver felt so embarrassed and looked away. He knew he should just turn around and head back inside but he couldn't move. Kara gently brushed her fingers against his cheek and left her hand there. The kiss had made all the hot memories from last year flood back and all the weird dreams as well. All logic told her she didn't want him but she was still unable to tear her gaze away from his lips and then she kissed him again almost angrily. Probably because she was angry at herself for desperately needing his kiss. Her mouth was craving his. She felt so hungry for him now the way she had in her dreams lately. The hunger belonged to the darkest parts of herself. She drove her fingers deep into his hair and he pulled her closer against his body. His firm hands were on her hips and he had her pinned hard against the wall. His hands slipped up her thighs and then she wrapped her legs around his hips. She could feel his hard arousal and she wanted him. But at the same time she definitely didn't want him. She finally managed to stop kissing him and he noticed how she stopped returning the kisses and finally got his senses back and put her down on the ground. 
  "I'm sorry... I don't know what the hell is wrong with me?" he said and pulled his hands across his face. Kara felt the exact same way. What the hell is wrong with me? "No, I'm sorry. I don't know what flew into me?" she sighed while shaking her head. I don't want Oliver Queen. He's taken. And he's still not my type and even if he was he still doesn't live on my earth.
  "What if we're controlled by someone or something? I mean stranger things have happened..." Oliver said. Kara could agree to that, but it didn't feel as if she was being controlled by someone else. It felt more like a subconscious part of her wanted him. Just like in the dreams she'd been having lately.
  "I don't know... I've been controlled before. This doesn't feel like that... it almost feels like these dreams I've been having are coming true... that I'm about to turn into a version of myself who... loves you." Kara stuttered and Oliver blinked a few times. Because that's exactly how he had been feeling lately. That he almost could believe that he actually loves her, but when he gets those feelings he instantly feels so guilty because he loves Felicity. But it's like this other version of him wants to steer him towards Kara.
  "Yeah, that's exactly what it feels like... anyway, I don't think we should be alone together until we've figured out what the hell is going on." he said and Kara nodded. That was perfectly reasonable. "Yeah... you're right. So I'll be staying at Joe's like my sister and Felicity." she said and started heading back inside. Oliver's heart almost skipped a beat again. He wasn't sure if it was because it still stung to hear Felicity's name after she just rushed out or because they'd be at the same place. Once Kara had walked back inside, Oliver just stood there collecting his thoughts and his shaky breaths.

"Would you look at that? Those pathetic little reflections of ours can't stay away from each other... soon enough they'll grow to despise each other." Overgirl said and turned towards Dark Arrow next to her. They'd been following their doppelgängers for months trying to learn about their strengths and weaknesses.
  "Which means he won't mind when we take Supergirl's heart and gives it to you." Dark Arrow said and somehow through his evil words he still looked at his wife with a fondness in his eyes. "And if he puts up a fight, we'll take his heart too and I'm gonna keep it as a souvenir." Overgirl said coldly.
  "I'd expect nothing less from you." Dark Arrow said and Overgirl smirked back at him. "That's why you married me." she said. He took one step closer towards her and cupped her face between his hands. "That and because you are so hot." he said and leaned in and pressed his lips hungrily against her red lips. Once the kiss got to intense she took a few steps back and had to collect her breathing. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "You'll be fine... once we get you your new heart you'll be stronger than ever, my dear wife." he said and they grinned while they glanced down at the empty streets below.

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