An Affair With Supergirl

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A few weeks after his wedding Oliver was finding himself depressed because most of his team mates had turned against him. He just needed a break. After a few drinks he picked up his phone and called Kara. She didn't answer so he left a voicemail.
"Hi, it's Oliver. I know you're probably busy but I just wondered how you're doing and if you'd like to meet for a coffee or something? If you don't just ignore this message. Bye."
He felt stupid the second he hung up the phone and he hoped Kara wouldn't answer it. What was he thinking? He's married. Did he just ask her out? It sounded like he did.

Kara couldn't believe her ears when she listened to the voicemail. She had to listen to the words multiple times for them to sink in. She freaked out. Alex entered her apartment.
"Alex, I don't know what to do, I think Oliver just called and asked me out..." she said with a deep sigh and Alex dropped her jaw in surprise. "He's married, you can't do anything." she said once she collected her surprise.
"Or maybe he just means he want to meet for a coffee? Maybe he doesn't mean it's a date? It's no harm hanging out with a friend is it?" Kara's questions poured out of her. She was still so confused and her mind was spinning. She wanted it to be a date but she hoped it was not.
"No it's not but it's risky when you're obviously still very into him." Alex said and Kara sighed because she hated it when her sister was right. "And you don't want to be the kind of girl who breaks up someone's marriage do you?" Alex continued and Kara turned away from her. She can't believe this happened with two guys in a row. First Mon-El now Oliver. What's wrong with me for only being interested in married guys lately?
"You're right. I'm gonna call him up and say I'm not gonna go for a coffee with him. I'm independent and I don't need him!" Kara said while she grabbed her phone. Alex was shaking her head, not approving so she left the apartment.

Oliver's heart jumped when he saw Kara's name appear on the screen. He answered the call.
"Hi, just so you know, I can't go out with you, you're married, it would be a stupid idea." Kara said and Oliver chuckled nervously. "I know, it was a stupid idea for me to leave that message. I'm sorry. Can we forget about it?" he said and hoped she could forgive his stupidity. Then he wondered what the hell what was wrong with him.
"I only said I can't go out with you, but I didn't say I don't want to..." Kara said with a sigh and for a second Oliver's heart skipped a beat. She wanted to go out with him? Crap, this was turning into an awful mess. Cheating was behind him now, but he couldn't stop thinking about Kara and the passionate kisses they had shared.
"Do you want to go for a coffee then?" Oliver asked and didn't know what answer he was hoping for. Kara sighed again but then she started giggling nervously. "Sorry, okay, one coffee. My Earth." she said and Oliver's heart was beating faster in his chest.
"Great, but it's not a date." Oliver said. He wasn't sure who he was trying to convince. Kara laughed. "Of course. See you later." she said and ended the call.
Oliver sat down on a chair and sighed. He couldn't believe he just took this risky step. But he couldn't deny that he wanted to see Kara and that she was the perfect escape at the moment.

An hour later he found himself on Kara's earth dressed in a fancy suit. Hopefully he wasn't overdressed. But when he saw her approach him outside the coffee shop he instantly forgot about all rational thoughts. She wore a cute outfit. A purple top, her hair in a bun, a black skirt and her glasses.
"Hi." Kara said awkwardly as she was standing a few feet from him. "Hi." Oliver said too and blushed slightly. Only because he think she caught him checking her out.
They entered the coffee shop and took an empty corner booth where they talked about their busy superhero lives. They avoided talking about whatever this was between them. At least until they left the coffee shop.
"I guess I should head back to my Earth..." Oliver said as if he was trying to make her stop him from leaving. "Or I could show you around. I mean it's not every day you're on a different earth." Kara said and smiled. Oliver couldn't resist that smile. He blushed and looked away but then he nodded and ended up letting her show him around.
After the tour around National City they came back to Kara's apartment and Oliver knew this was an awful idea. He remembered the last time he was here and they had their hot one-night-stand, but that could never happen again. Kara wasn't seducing him was she?
"I guess you should probably leave. I had a really nice time today." Kara said and brushed her hand against Oliver's arm and then slipped her hand down and squeezed his hand. Oliver smiled. "Yeah, me too. You really gave me a very needed break from all the drama back home lately." he said and Kara smiled gently.
Kara knew it was a bad idea but when Oliver was standing there in front of her in her apartment she couldn't help but wonder if he wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss him again. She took of her glasses and took another step towards him.
Oliver glanced at Kara's lips just a few inches from his own and he ignored the guilt in his stomach and pulled her close and gave her a very passionate kiss.
Kara wrapped her arms around Oliver's neck very carefully while she deepened the kiss and his hand slipped down to her waist while his other hand was resting under her chin.
Suddenly Oliver was affected by the guilt and stopped kissing Kara and took a step back. "I'm sorry... I'm such an idiot." he sighed and looked away. Kara blushed and sighed too. "I'm worse... my sister even tried to talk me out of this. But my ex also got married to someone else and I just... I guess I just needed a break too." While she talked she realized she just opened up to Oliver about things she hadn't talked to any other guy about.
"Kara, I... I like you.. a lot and this isn't fair to you... or Felicity. I'm sorry..." Oliver said and took a few more steps away while he turned away. Kara's heart was racing. Oliver liked her a lot.
"Yeah. I'm sorry too, but it's just I really like you too." Kara said and her heart was skipping multiple beats while she talked. Her cheeks flushed red and Oliver brushed his fingers against her cheek. Then he kissed her again. "Goodbye Kara." Oliver said very softly before he leaned in and kissed her one last time before he left her earth.

To be concluded in my fanfic Back To Earth X which is more of an Olivarry fanfic, but I also tie up lose ends from this one. Thanks for the love on this ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2020 ⏰

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