My wife

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Once Oliver had gotten back home from Kara's earth, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He went to bed after taking a shower and hoped a few hours of sleep would stop his head from spinning.
He drifted into a dream where he found himself in a big mansion. It kind of reminded him of his own childhood home but everything was less colorful. Everything seemed to be in black and white aside from a few pieces of furniture that were red. Even the sky outside was red.
He walked upstairs and then Kara suddenly appeared from a room. Or was it really the Kara he knows? She was wearing an invisible nightgown over some very sexy black leather underwear. And she wore more makeup than necessary. Dark eyeshadow, eyeliner and red lipstick. "You're finally back!" she exclaimed and threw her arms around his neck. If this wasn't a dream he wouldn't have squeezed her back but this was definitely not real.
"I've missed you." he said and she pressed her lips against his. Then she smirked at him. "I bet you did. So why don't you come and show me just how much you've missed me... my darling husband." she said. If this was real he'd be terrified of what was going on. But instead he kissed her again and led her into the bedroom. He kissed her intensely again and steered her towards the bed. She tore of his clothes and pulled him closer against her body. His lips wandered down her neck and she moaned. Then he pressed his lips against her hungry mouth again.
Suddenly he woke up in the middle of the night from this hot dream. Get a grip Oliver, you're just dreaming about her because you just slept with her. But why did it feel so weird?
Eventually he went back to sleep and fell into another dream. He found himself next to some sort of hospital bed in a dark weird place he couldn't recognize. Then he spotted Kara being unconscious on the bed. "Just out with it, what's wrong with me?" she said with a snarky voice. He sighed. "It's your heart. If we don't find you a new one within a year, you'll die." he said and squeezed her hand. A few silent tears rolled down his cheek.
"We'll find one. Even if we have to hunt down every single kryptonian on every earth to find it." she said and then he leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. "I'll do whatever it takes, I refuse to ever lose you, my wife." he said and she tried to take a smile.
As soon as Oliver woke up from the dream again he had somehow instantly forgotten everything that happened in the two dreams. Apart from Kara being his wife.

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