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Kara got back to Joe's place but Alex was nowhere to be found and that made her feel a little stressed out. But she was still too affected by that hot kiss outside Jitters that she couldn't worry for long. Especially since she was alone in the living room with Felicity who had no idea about the one-night-stand and definitely not the weird dreams or the very recent kiss.
  "Hey, Kara. Do you think I freaked out earlier? I totally overreacted... didn't I? I should probably call Oliver..." she said and rambled nervously. Kara wasn't sure she was ready for this conversation. What if she said something stupid? It wasn't her secret to tell Felicity what happened and it obviously didn't mean anything, the kiss was just an impulsive side effect of the hot dreams they've both been having lately.
  Kara walked towards the couch and sat down next to Felicity. "I don't know... he looked pretty sad when you stormed out... I'd give him some space tonight." she responded without even realizing what she was saying. Did I just say "I'd give him some space?" Her cheeks flushed red and she felt the need to clarify even if Felicity didn't read anything into what she just said. "I just mean he probably just wants to be left alone... but I don't know if I'm the right person you should take relationship advices from? I'd go to Iris, she's the one getting married to the man of her dreams tomorrow... and I'm as alone as singles can be." Kara said and almost everything she felt poured out of her.
  "Don't beat yourself up too much. You're friggin Supergirl." Felicity said with a laugh and Kara couldn't help but smile and then she felt guilty. She probably wouldn't think so if she knew I just kissed her boyfriend, Kara thought. But instead she just replied "Thanks." Before she noticed that Felicity looked tired so she left the couch.
  "Anyway sleep tight." Kara said and decided to sleep fly that night. But she was too anxious to fall asleep at all. Get a grip Kara, no one is controlling you, you need to get your own control back. But as soon as she closed her eyes she remembered the kiss again. Her heart was beating faster and she could almost still taste him. Eventually she fell asleep but there was no easy rest.

Oliver was lying wide awake at the couch in Barry and Iris' apartment, he was just as anxious as Kara was. He tried falling asleep but he was afraid he might have another weird dream about her. But staying awake didn't help either. He had all these questions in his head. Why did they both feel this connection? Why did they have similar dreams about being married? Was it just because they were both about to attend their best friend's wedding that inspired these dreams?
  After twisting and turning for hours Oliver went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He had no idea what the time was because he didn't bother to turn on any lights, but it must be sometime in the middle of the night considering how dark it was outside.
  "Of course he's always late. Who doesn't have a watch in the kitchen?" Oliver murmured to himself while shaking his head and emptied the glass of water and was just gonna head back to the couch when he almost bumped right into Barry. He was startled and took a step back.
  "It's right over there." Barry said with a smile and pointed at a digital watch at the kitchen counter. It showed three am in the morning. Oliver sighed and felt stupid. He was so tired he hadn't even noticed it. "I couldn't sleep..." he said and Barry started speeding around the kitchen picking up various things.
  "What are you doing?" Oliver asked in confusion and Barry finally stopped running around. "It's bad luck seeing the bride before the wedding so I'm gonna make her breakfast before I rush out." he explained as if it was perfectly normal couple stuff. Oliver sighed again.
  "What kept you up then? Is it because of whatever that thing with Felicity was at the rehearsal dinner?" Barry asked. Oliver felt really guilty again. Even though Felicity stormed out when he proposed to her he still had no right to kiss someone else right afterwards. Should he just explain what happened? Before he had time to think it through he did.
  "No, it's not just about that. Lately I've been having these weird dreams about Kara, where we are married and they kind of feels very real even though I know they're not. And just last night I found out she's been having similar dreams..." Oliver just let everything slip out of him. "...and then I did something really stupid... I kissed her." he said and covered his face because he was blushing. Then he turned away because he hated feeling so embarrassed and he didn't want to see the judgmental look in Barry's eyes.
  "No, Ollie, you didn't?" Barry couldn't believe his ears. Oliver sighed while shaking his head but he really wished that he wasn't telling the truth and that it had just been another dream. But it wasn't, the kiss happened and it felt one hundred percent real. Yeah, I must be losing my mind he thought.
  "I know it's bad... like really really bad and I didn't plan for it to happen. But there she was looking like a dream so I couldn't fight it. It was as if the universe was pulling us together...I mean have you ever felt that?" he continued. Barry looked at him in confusion at first but then his expression turned into a sympathetic smile. "Yeah." Barry responded and wrote down a note that he placed on a tray along with a flower. "So what did you do?" Oliver asked and was hoping for a helpful answer. "I'm gonna marry her today." Barry responded with a happy smile on his face. And that was the answer Oliver feared. He couldn't possibly be meant to marry Kara. He barely even knew her.
  "Are you saying you think I'll end up marrying Kara? Because of some stupid dreams." Oliver started to freak out. He tried to keep his voice down because it was very early in the morning.
  "Don't you think that somewhere deep down you've been having these thoughts and that's why you dream about her? I mean why else would you kiss her?" Barry asked before he continued the sentence. "Wait... did she kiss you back?"
  Oliver sighed deeply again. "When I finally got my senses back and realized what I was doing... she actually kissed me again." he blushed again when he revealed that part, because he still couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. It was no longer just a weird dream, he started to fear it was a vision about to come true.
  "Crap! If I had known about these dreams I would've never told her what I did at the rehearsal dinner..." Barry sighed when he remembered his talk with Kara on the balcony on the rehearsal dinner last night.
  "Wait? What did you tell her?" Oliver asked his eyes wide in surprise because Barry suddenly seemed very guilty over something he said.
  "She looked very lonely and sad so I simply told her 'I finally convinced Oliver it was okay to have love in his life, now I have to convince you too'" Barry said. "But I didn't mean that she should find love with you..." he continued and Oliver sighed again and started walking back towards the couch. His head was spinning. Then he turned around again. "Actually for once I don't think this was your fault..." he said and gave Barry a sympathetic look. Then he left Barry alone to finish the breakfast and tried to finally get some sleep.

Below the apartment building Thawne turned towards Dark Arrow. "They're all buying it. These visions are working... that means that we no longer need your help." Thawne said and turned towards a third dark dressed member in their group. An evil version of Cisco all dressed in black leather with a Nazi mark on his arm just like Dark Arrow wore. The evil Cisco bowed before he started walking away but Thawne vibrated his hand through his back and tore out his heart before he had the chance to leave.
   "What was that for? What if he's needed again?" Dark Arrow asked but Thawne laughed mockingly. "His job here was done and we couldn't risk him getting caught. Now don't you have a wedding-crash to prepare for?" Thawne said to Dark Arrow before he rushed off.

With All My Heart Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon