Chapter 15 - Wake Up Call

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Maddox POV:
It's been six days since Elias and Maddie were attacked. Six days since my little brother was in coma. Doctors said there hasn't been much change, which worries me. They said we can keep him in a coma for 90 days, but then they are going to pull the plug, let him be at peace. Maddie is at the hospital every day. She sleeps there with him sometimes. She's been beating herself up for this. We've tried to tell her it's not her fault but she doesn't believe us.

Valdik has been in our custody. We have tortured him for the past six days. What do you expect, he hurt my little brother and baby sister, he needs to pay. He needs to pay for the pain he's caused my sister and brothers and father. Dad hasn't slept much. He's been drinking, I need Elias to wake up. I don't know what I'd do if he doesn't. We plan to not kill Valdik until Elias wakes up. We're also using this as a opportunity to try to get the location of Nikolai Ivanov, but of course he isn't talking.

Maddie started training with Kade and I lately. She's really good, a natural fighter. We've been teaching her defensive tactics, offensive tactics, and of course, the dreaded how to use a weapon. I was currently in my way to the warehouse to help my father get information from Valdik, before I got a text from Maddie.

Maddie POV:
"Hey Elias, doctors said you might actually be able to hear us now. I hope that's true, because it would mean you're getting better," I told him optimistically. I haven't left his side in days; I was sitting there holding his hand. "Elias I'm so sorry, it should have been me. I should be the one in your position right now, your the most amazing brother I could ask for and you don't deserve this." Tears formed in my eyes.

"Dads driving himself crazy, Sam and Kade haven't left their rooms much, we all just need you to wake up. Please." Suddenly Elias's machine started to rapidly beat. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP SOMETHINGS HAPPENING!" I screamed. Elias began to violently shake.

A nurse ran in with a few doctors, "I'm sorry ma'am but you can't be here right now!" She ushered me out of the room, I stood in horror watching through the small pane of glass in the door as my brother shook and the doctors were doing something.

After what felt like a eternity, a doctor walked out to speak to me. "Your brother had a seizure, nothing too serious, he's going to be fine, but this may affect his comatose state."

I frantically pulled out my phone and texted everyone.

Me 🌈: ELIAS JUST HAD A SEIZURE! They said he's fine now, but the doctor said it might affect him in his coma.


Maddox ✌️: Turning the car around now

Alex 🥺: Noah and I will be there in 20 minutes

Dad 💗: I'm on my way sweetie, sit tight. I'll be there in 20 minutes.

I was sitting in my car reading the texts. "Just hold on Elias, everyone's on their way." I whispered "God please please wake up."

After sitting there for about 15 minutes, I dozed off and stared at the window, until I felt something.

Elias POV:
I didn't know were I was, all I could see was darkness. I heard voices around me, it was my baby sister. Then I remembered it, the attack. All i could think about was her. I needed to see if she was okay, I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. I felt her soft hand around mine.

"God please please wake up" she whispered to me. With all my strength, I tried to squeeze my hand around hers. After what felt like a hour I finally was able to do it. I heard her gasp. "Elias?" She questioned with a broken voice that felt like a sword went into my heart.

I slowly opened my eyes to meet the green ones of
my sister. "Elias?" She sobbed. She yelled for the doctor.

I weakly responded "Hey sis, how's it been."

Before she could respond the doctor came in and I guess checked my vitals. Once he was happy with the results he left.

I gave her a faint smile. She came in for a long hug. I didn't mind, I wanted to stay like this forever. At this moment nothing else mattered, my sister was okay. "You're okay?" I smiled at her

"You were in a coma and you're asking me if I'm okay?" She responded sarcastically.

"Wait I was in a coma? For how long?" I questioned she gave me a sad look.

"A week. Six days."

"You're kidding I missed a whole week of thanksgiving break?" I sarcastically replied.

We both were laughing when a herd of elephants—I mean my brothers and father—ran in the door. They all looked at me shocked.

"Hey guys" I smiled. They all ran to me and hugged me.


"Bro calm down, I woke up less than five minutes ago." I told them.

"Calm down? You were in a coma for six days and you're telling us to calm down!" Sam spoke up.

"Guys can't we just be thankful he's alive and awake. That they are both okay?" My father said sternly. He walked over to my bed again and gave me a hug and sat down. "Son I'm so sorry, I should have been there and protected you." He looked like he was about to cry.

I grabbed his hand. "It's okay, I'm okay, Mads is okay, you've protected me my entire life, I'm a adult what I do now isn't your fault. Your my father and I love you." He let out a whimper of a "thank you and I love you."

The doctor walked in. "I have his discharge papers, you can take him home now if you would like. He just has to rest for the next few days, to heavy lifting or ruff housing."

My father signed the paper. "Let's go home kids."

Nikolai Ivanov POV:
The man I sent to kill Lorenzo Valentino's children failed. Although it was fun to know he was suffering while his son was in a coma, he is awake and my man ultimately failed. He was taken captive by the Valentino's and as punishment, I'm not going to help him. He deserves what ever torture he's getting right now. I don't care if he was my right hand man or not, he failed. And he will pay for it. I guess I just have to plan another attack. Then it hit me. The Valentino's annual Thanksgiving party, the head of a few notable mafia families will be attending. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.

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