Chapter 23 - Mom

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Mirabella POV:
I was finally rescued for my captor of fourteen years. I finally saw my children's faces, last time I saw Cole (Colton, but when he was a baby I was the only one who called him Cole) he was in diapers, and Kade was just learning how to walk. It pains me to think I missed it all. We were currently on the way home, I was driving back with Maddox while Sam and Elias were sleeping in the back seat peacefully, Kade, Cole and the twins stayed behind to watch over their sister and Lorenzo was finishing up with Ivanov.

"Hey mom," my oldest son Maddox brought me out of my thoughts. Last time I saw him he was a little ten year old, that could make anyone smile. "I love you." I smiled at him. "I uh, I just wanted to tell you that since I didn't get to last time."

"I know son, but trust me," I grabbed his hand while I spoke, "I never stopped loving you, all these fourteen years, my boys were all I thought about. I love you."

We arrived at the house, which was pretty much the same, except a statue of a women that resembled me. Elias must have seen me looking at it for he said, "We put that in once we thought you, you know, died. So we could always see your face." I bit my lip trying not to cry.

"I used to, uh, go out and talk to it and ask you for advice or just went and sat next to it whenever I was upset." Sam added.

I went up to my old bedroom, that I used to share with Lorenzo and opened the door. It was still neat, pretty much the same as I left it beside the large painting of me and my kids on the wall. I walked over and opened my closet, which was different from Lorenzo's.

"I left it untouched ever since that day." A voice which I knew to be Lorenzo's said from behind me. I turned to look at him. His face was full of sadness "Mia Regina, (Translation: My Queen) I shouldn't have accepted your death so quickly. It will always be my biggest regret, if I had looked for you I could have found out you were still alive and—"

I cut him off "You couldn't have known. Plus I don't blame you. It's not your fault. You know my only thought while I was held captive by Ivanov was you and the boys." I grabbed his hand. "You raised them so well Enzo." He smiled when I said his nickname, I leaned in and kissed him. I kissed my husband for the first time in fourteen years. "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too baby," he paused "I'm so sorry, after your death, I was in a bad place and I was unfaithful to you. My beautiful Regina, I'm so sorry." I could tell it was sincere. I started to wonder about his daughter.

"So, uh, Maddison? Is her mother and you?" I stopped.

"No, no. Uh her mother is deceased, cancer, less than a year ago, that's how Maddie came to live with us." Lorenzo told me.

"Oh I'm so sorry, were you close?" I knew he would have probably had more photos of her if they were married.

"Uh, not really. She was one of the women I was unfaithful too after your, well declared death" he replied. "I'm sorry"

"Hey baby, it's okay, it's okay, I understand. I hoped while I was there you would find some that made you happy." I soothed him. "Plus, I know how you've always wanted a daughter. I'm glad something good came from it."

After a while Lorenzo and I finished talking, you can only go through so much before needing a break. I was walking through the hall when I heard noises from the guest bedroom. I walked in and saw Maddie listening to music, painting.

I stood in the doorway when she noticed me she gasped. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I told her.

She looked embarrassed she jumped. "It's okay, so you're the famous Mirabella." I chuckled at the comment, it was obvious she was trying to make conversation.  "You can come in if you want."

I smiled and walked into the room. "So I guess your not used to having another girl in the house." She laughed a bit.

"You could say that. Seven brothers is a little too much testosterone sometimes." We both laughed.

I desperately wanted to make her comfortable with me. I always wanted a daughter, this was my chance. "You know, Maddie, I'm a girl too," she gave me a I can see that look, but not in a mean way, "if you need anything you can talk to me. Weather it be period related or boy talk," she gave me a awkward smile "or you just need to talk I'm here. I heard about your mother and I'm sorry. I know what loosing a patent feels like." She tensed up. I felt like I might have overstepped, so I smiled at her and started to walk out the door feeling a bit upset at myself that I made her uncomfortable.

Sam POV:
I was walking to my room when I heard sniffles coming from Maddie's room. I knocked on the door and got no response. I slowly opened the door and saw her crying over a picture of her mother. She noticed me and immediately wiped her tears away.

"Hey Mads what's wrong?" I came over to her and sat down next to her on the bed. She just sat and cried. "Oh Mads" I whispered to her. I put my chin down on her head and rubbed circles into her back.

"It's not fair! Why does your mom get to come back, but my doesn't!" She sobbed. I couldn't answer her, I knew what she was saying is true, and I'm felt bad. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"It's okay, I'm sorry Mads," I tried to sooth her. "But remember all of us are here and love you."

She eventually cried herself to sleep in my arms. I felt so bad, but I knew my mom would make her feel loved. I carefully put her under the covers and tucked her in to let her sleep.

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