Chapter 20 - Home Alone

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Maddie POV:
Today was my third day of suspension. My dad and brothers have usually been home, but today they needed to go to the warehouse for the mafia business. I begged them to let me come with them but they told me no for I was still being punished for getting suspended.

I was walking into the kitchen to get something to eat when I got a weird feeling. I sensed someone behind me. I pretended like nothing was wrong and went to the stainless steal fridge to see the reflection. I looked in it and saw a large man stealthily creeping up behind me. I walked calmly over to the knife block and quickly pulled out a knife.

The man saw what I was doing and went to attack. I tried my hardest to fight and I know I got a few good wounds in. I sliced his forearm, cheek and shoulder. Although it was no use, he kicked my in the stomach and it caused me to drop the knife, I tried throwing a glass at him but it was no use. He quickly held a damp cloth to my nose and mouth. As I inhaled, my vision began to blur and I started to fade into darkness.

Maddox POV:
My brothers and I just pulled into the garage of our house after getting back from the warehouse, our father stayed behind to deal with some business. We were still torturing Valdik, we were going to kill him when Elias woke up, but he suggested we keep him alive and try to get information off of him. It was working too, a little. He only said a few things about shipments as a mistake, but it was enough to keep him as valuable information.

I walked into the house and called out for my little sister. I felt bad for leaving her home alone, she was probably board out of her mind, for my father took her phone, laptop, and tv remote.

"Mads we're home!" I yelled. I got no response, i figured she might be in her room and couldn't hear me. It was a big house so I couldn't blame her. I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink when I saw it. Glass was shattered all over the floor, blood was everywhere and a bloody knife was laying next to the fridge as well as bloody handprints.

I was terrified I started running to look for Maddie. "MADDIE! MADDIE!" I screamed through the house.

"Maddox whats wrong?" Alex asked me standing next to Noah and Elias.

All I could get out was "KITCHEN..... BLOOD..... WHERES MADDIE?!!?!"

Alex, Elias and Noah looked at me in shock.

"MADDIE!" We all started screaming. Soon enough all started looking for her. We looked all around the house but came up empty.

"Oh my god! She's not here! What if someone took her!" Elias blurted out. "What if it was Ivanov!"

"How could we let this happen! We shouldn't have left her here!" Noah screamed.

"I know! I know!" I yelled frustrated.

"We need to call dad." Alex spoke up.

"I know." I responded. "Call the rest of the boys and tell them to get here now, no exceptions."

Lorenzo: Hello?

Maddox: Dad!

Lorenzo: Whats wrong? You sound scared.

Maddox: Dad when I got home I found glass shattered in the kitchen, and lots of blood.

Lorenzo: Oh my god. Is your sister okay?

Maddox: Dad she's not here.

Lorenzo: Oh my god. I'm on my way home call your brothers, call our allies, call the whole damn mafia. If this is Ivanov I'll kill him.

I was terrified, my little sister was missing. I prayed she just ran away from the danger and she would walk through the door any second, but a part of me knew that wasn't true. A part of me knew this was Ivanov, and he would pay dearly.

By now all my brothers and father were here, we ran the dna from the floor and we didn't get a exact hit yet. But thankfully we found out it belonged to a male. It wasn't Maddie's, she probably tried to defend herself and got a few good licks in.

About half an hour later we got the dna results back, they belonged to Anton Petrov, a member of the Russian Mafia. Now that we knew who took her, it was time to find her. Don't worry Mads we're coming for you.

Maddie POV:
I woke up in a dark damp room, my head felt like it was hit by a brick. I tried to reach my hand up to touch it until I realized I couldn't. I was tied to a chair.

"Look who's finally awake," a voice with a Russian accent said from the corner. I moved my head to look at him. "Hello there Miss Maddison."

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