Chapter 38 - Rescue

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(A/N: My dumb self posted a big mistake in the last chapter. If you read the story in the first 5 minutes of me posting it, you probably read the mistake. To avoid confusion, please go back and read it again. Only Coltons POV changed tho. So sorry guys! Also sorry for the cliffhanger but it felt needed for dramatic effect.)


Then the deafening sound of a gunshot filled the room.

Maddie POV:
I screamed as the gun went off. I can't believe it. My brother, my big brother, the one person in the world who can calm me down at times like this, was dead.

I couldn't look away, until as if my prayers were answered Colton opened his eyes.

I was about to cry. "Cole?" I sobbed. As soon as I said this Dimitri's man dropped to the floor. He had a bullet hole in his back. I looked toward where the shot came from and a man in the doorway was holding a gun up.

I immediately looked back at Colton. "Colton!" I sobbed. "Are you okay?"

He let out a large shaky breath. "I'm not dead. Holy crap I'm okay!" He responded relieved and scared.

"Thank god." My mom yelled.

The man from the door walked in as he put his gun back in his holster. He reached for a walki walki and said "Valentino's are secured."

"Dad?" I asked nervously. A second later he came over to me with a knife.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" Maddox yelled pulling on his restraints. He walked behind me and took the knife and...cut my restraints?

Once I was free I immediately ran away from him. He might have just freed me and saved my brother, but I still don't who he is and in this business, you learn to not be so trusting of people you just met.

I ran to the table in the room and grabbed a knife of the table to defend myself and family, if needed.

"Maddie it's okay, he's with me." A familiar voice exclaimed. I turned to the hallway and saw Elena.

"Elena?" I dropped the knife and ran into her arms. And started sobbing.

"Hey it's okay, it's okay." She soothed me.

"How did you—" I asked confused how she knew I was in trouble.

She grabbed my hands and held them. "I was going to surprise you by coming over, and when I did I saw through the window, men dragging your unconscious bodies away from the front door." She squeezed them and looked down. "I'm sorry Maddie that it took so long for me to come. I needed to call my fathers men to come help."

I laughed and kissed her. "Baby it's fine. I love you so much. Thank you."

I turned around and saw that all of my family has been freed by Elena's man. "Thank you Elena, so much. I owe you everything." My father told her.

Then it hit me, how could I completely forget. I looked up at her scared. "KNOX! WHERES KNOX?" I start to panic.

"Don't worry, he's right here." A voice, belonging to Max said walking in. I looked over and he was holding my baby brother, who seemed to be unharmed.

I let out a breath. "Knox!" I ran to him and took Knox in my arms. I kissed him on the forehead before handing him to mom.

Elena's father walked in a minute later and my father asked him "Where's Dimitri?"

Esteban looked at us empathic. "I'm sorry Lorenzo, he got away. But I promise our mafia will help you hunt him down."

"Thank you. May I speak to you in my office?" My father asked. Esteban nodded. "Maddox, Noah, Elias, Sam come with us. Kade take your brother to the clinic please." Kade nodded.

"Max, Teo, come with us too." Esteban told them.

My father started walking towards the door, but when he reached Elena and I, he pulled Elena in for a hug and mumbled a "Thank You" in her ear.

I grabbed Elena's hand as we went with Kade to take clinic, which was a hospital for the mafia. We use it for non life threatening injuries, so the police don't ask too many questions. My mom and Knox went with us as well.

We walked to the car and Kade and Mom say upfront. Elena say next to Knox in the backseat, and I sat next to Colton in the way back. (A/N: I don't know if that's a term from where you are from but it basically means the third row of seats in a suv.)

I looked at Colton who hasn't said anything since we left. "Are you okay?" I knew he wasn't but still.

He looked at me, sadness filled his eyes. I reached over and squeezed his hand. "I thought I was going to die." He looked me in the eyes. I bit my lip. "What's worse is I knew Dimitri's man would have killed everyone after me and with me dead I couldn't have stopped him." A tear fell from his eye.

I undid my seatbelt and sat close to him in the middle seat and hugged him. "I'm sorry. But I know what you are feeling. When Ivanov kidnapped me I thought I was going to die." He looked at me in the eyes again. "He told me after he killed me, he would go after you again. That's what scared me most." I started to tear up too. "Remember when you said of you ever needed to talk, I should come to you." He nodded. "Well it's my turn to listen now. Talk to me when you are ready." I smiled at him and went to go sit back in my original seat on the right.

"Thanks Mads. I love you." Cole told me.

"I love you too."

After the doctor examined Colton, he said he had a few broken ribs, a lot of bruises, and a cut in his shoulder, which they stitched up. But overall they said he would be fine.

Colton was fine, but the one thing I knew was this wasn't the end of Dimitri. As much as I wanted to believe it, I knew he would come back and keep trying to get revenge on my family until he either succeed or he was six feet under. And I'm going to make sure it is the second one.

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