Chapter 41 - Proposal

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Maddie POV:
I was going to do it. I had it all planned out. Elena was on her way over and I was going to propose. I had spent the last week planning and preparing the prefect proposal. Kade helped a bit, by getting a few things I needed since he was the only brother that knew.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran downstairs. I opened it to see my beautiful girlfriend. She smiled as our eyes met. "Hey babe, ready to go?" She said before I kissed her.

I told her we were going to Francesca's so we were both dressed somewhat fancy. Elena was wearing a beautiful navy clue cocktail dress that complimented her eyes perfectly. I was wearing a simple lavender dress with diamond straps.

"Ya I'm ready." I told her although to myself I was a nervous reck. We got in the car and drove to Francesca's. We had dinner, then went back home. Before you think anything, I wasn't delaying, I had a plan in mind.

I took her to the swing my brothers took me to the first day I met them. When we got there the sun was about to set. "Elena, I" she turned to me. I reached my hand in my pocket and fearfully took out the small velvet box.

I took a large breath in, got down on one knee, which made her gasp, and told her. "Elena Isabella Marie Santiago, will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me."

^^^Ring For Elena

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^^^Ring For Elena

She stood shocked for a few seconds, the whole time I was silent, scared she wouldn't like the idea. Without talking she reached into her pocket and pulled out another small velvet box. She got down on one knee, so we were on the same level. She opened the box to reveal a beautiful ring.

^^^Ring For Maddie

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^^^Ring For Maddie

"Maddison Alessandra Francessca Valentino. I would love to marry you if you will have me." She smiled. We both stood up and kissed, a long and passionate kiss. Our lips melted together as if they were made for each other.

We finally pulled apart and placed our foreheads together. My hands were holding her cheeks as we smiled. This is the best moment of my life. "Did you know I was going to propose tonight?" I asked keeping my forehead on hers.

She chuckled. "No but....great minds think alike. And you my amazing fiancé have one of the most amazing minds of all." I was so happy, nothing and I mean nothing could bring me down right now.

"I love you so much." I breathed out.

"I love you more."

"Impossible." I told her. We stayed like this for what felt like a eternity, but in a good way.

After a while we finally let our foreheads drift apart, and I placed the small ring on her finger, as she did the same for me. My smile never faulting.

We went and sat down on the swing and watched the sunset and Elena rested her head on my shoulder as our hands intertwined. I used my free hand and started messing with my locket. I sat there thinking what my mom would be thinking right now was she watched from above. I hope she's proud of me. I already knew her and Elena would have gotten along together perfectly. She would have loved her. In some weird way I really have mom to thank for all this. If she didn't do what was best for me and send me away to live with my father, I would have never met the love of my life. I miss her so much, but I know she's always with me.

We watched as the sun goes down and it started getting dark so we started walking back to the house. "What do you think our brothers are going to do when they find out?" Elena asked as we walked.

I chuckled. "Well I know Alex, Noah and Maddox are going to be over the moon, they love you. I'm guessing Colton and Sam are going to go into overprotective brother mode and say something along the lines of is she even old enough to get married? And Elias is probably going to be confused how I got married before him." We both laughed. "How about Teo and Max's reaction?"

"Well as you probably know Teo is our number one fan so he's going to be ecstatic and probably pissed I didn't tell him I was proposing. Max is probably going to say something sarcastically about him turning my room into his personal hot tub, but overall be happy for us." My beautiful fiancé responded. "Let me text my family to come over to your house and tell them together."

"Good idea."

We made sure we waited until both families were in the house before walking in. They were sitting in the living room, waiting for our arrival.

"Finally!" Elias spoke sarcastically "I've been waiting here for like twenty minutes."

"Guys, we uh have some news." Elena spoke excitingly.

"You're not pregnant are you?" Max asked and we all looked towards him confused.

"Max that's not how reproduction works." Elena responded and Teo slapped the back of his head playfully.

Whispering "Idiota" under his breath.

"Well what is it then?" Colton asked.

I looked towards Elena and smiled we nodded signaling us to say it at the same time. "We're engaged!"

All the faces in the room were shocked, except for my dad, Esteban, and Kade, who already knew.

Elena's mother Sophia squealed. And got off the couch and ran to me and hugged me tight. "IM GOING TO HAVE ANOTHER DAUGHTER!" By brothers were still in shock, it was hilarious.

Soon enough there was a line to say congratulations and give hugs. Our parents let us pop a bottle of champagne, although we weren't twenty-one yet, for it was tradition.

We spent the rest of the night celebrating. We put on some music and danced with each other.

"Our mother's have already started planning the wedding, and they have known for what? A half hour?" Elena commented and we both laughed as we danced. This was a night I will never forget.

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