Chapter 49 - Mission Failed

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Lorenzo POV:
I just found out Dimitri was the reason the plane with my precious daughter and daughter in law went down. All of the boys were fuming, we were driving to the warehouse to track Dimitri down.

We arrived at the warehouse and called all our men, except for the few I left posted outside Maddie's hospital room. They all gathered in the main room. "I WANT ALL OF YOU TO FIND DIMITRI IVANOV! NOW!" I screamed and they dispersed to call informants, hack, and go search on foot. They determined that Dimitri had to have been close to the plane to hack the signal, so he must be something in the mountains.

It took hours but they finally found Dimitri's location. Everyone grabbed their weapons and we headed out on a revenge path. Revenge against the person that hurt my daughter. That hurt my son's sister. That hurt my sons.

The worst part is I know if we kill Dimitri, there will be ten more like him ready to take his place and hurt my family.

We arrived at Dimitri's house ready yo take him down, as we loaded our weapons I made myself a promise, none of my sons would die today. No one I cared about would die from my enemies. I won't allow it, I would die before them, to save them. And with that we walked in ready to kill.

We walked in, our men took down every man in their path, once we sweeper the whole building, I grew frustrated Dimitri wasn't here.

"Capo, we found this note on Ivanov's desk." One of my men exclaimed.

I took it and read out loud "Dear Lorenzo, by this time I regret to inform you I am long gone. You can try to track me down, but in the long run, you'll never catch me. I've moved on, and once you are gone, I will take over. Watch your back Lorenzo, you never know when I will strike. -Dimitri." I paused. "That son of a bitch."

"It's okay dad, we'll catch him." Sam told me.

"Men sweep the house, find anything that could help us find Ivanov." I yelled.

Maddie POV:
I was lying in my hospital bed when I woke up. My leg hurt like a mother, and I needed pain medication. I was about to call a nurse when I realized Elena was sleeping peacefully next to me. This helped the pain, I don't know how, but it did. I looked at her again until I fell asleep.

(A/N: Sorry for the short chapter....hope you are all going well :) XOXO, Lily)

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