Chapter 1

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It’s Time To Run!

‘How… how?... What should I do?... How to put it in?... Kla… Kla… Help me please.’

During his unconsciousness, the only thing Techno could see was the face of a guy who was looking at him, and those sharp mysterious eyes which were quite impressive as if they were hiding something inside. Although that was all he could see, the feeling of touch on his body was overwhelming that he did not know where it came from.

His body had hot flushes, his heart was beating so fast, and his breathing was rapid and shallow as if hands were caressing all of his body, biting, licking, and the hot breath whispering in his ears.

P'no, P'.

I want more… more… more please

The unfamiliar deep voice echoed in his head while Techno put his arms around the neck of a guy in front of him. He responded to the touch that penetrated into his body.

It was hot and deep with endless passionate.
It was going to blow him up.
And it made Techno fell so… good.

The moaing sound was echoing in his head, the sound of two bodies squeezing together, along with their breathing.

'Almost… Almost… more'

Kla… a bit more…


Abruptly, Techno, who was immersed in the taste of passion, opened his eyes widely when he was saying the name of that person and what he saw startled him.

He already saw the guy I front of him…

A guy who was smiling at him and told him,

You’re my wife now.



Huff, huff, huff.

Suddenly, Techno got up with a fright. His eyes widely opened as if he saw a ghost. He was soaked with sweat and breathed heavily as if he just played football for 3 hours. But he still did not feel like he was in his own room.

The image floating in the air was… his junior with a cuspid who kept saying
You’re my boyfriend now.


Huh, no, no, no, it isn’t real,
Techno raised both hands to clutch his hair, shaking his head as if he couldn’t accept the truth. He was still panting heavily, but when he looked down and found himself in his own bed, he was relieved. This, his breath was back to normal, his brain started to work and began to smile.

It was a dream. Just a dream!
Techno almost raised his hand to punch the air. He just woke up so that wicked story must come from his mixed-up imagination.

That’s right. Because Type has a boyfriend, I maybe think about it too muh. But I think about myself and Kengkla… Yes, it’s just a dream.

After that though, he was about to cry. While thinking of his best friend whom he knew everything about his love life, Techno guessed that he imagined everything because he knew too much about their love life.

But why it has to be Kengkla?

Techno muttered before shaking his head.

Because Kengkla is as handsome as Tharn? Am I crazy? Dreaming about having sex with a guy

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