Chapter 4 - The guy whom God hates

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Thunder rumbling.

Today, although the sun already rose up in the sky, it was still dark. The sky was currently gray, but far in the distance loomed an ominous black mass and the thunder rumbled as the rain was going to pour down. The atmosphere was so depressing, the same as Techno’s feeling.

Techno was about to leave the house when he saw the handsome guy smiling, waiting for him.

The mood is so gloomy but why his smile is so bright and lovely?

Good morning, Techno.”

How come you’re here?

Techno asked softly because he wasn’t ready to meet Kengkla. Since he didn’t call his junior, he thought the younger wouldn’t come and pick him up. Techno already planned to ask his neighbor for a ride to the bus stop but, at the very first step out from his house, Kengkla was here.

Nic said that he crashed your bike, so he asked me to pick you up, to make up for it.

That bastard should ask me first if I need his friend or not.

Techno really wanted to punch his brother. Because of his good intention, Techno couldn’t run away. However, that broad smile showing the cuspid and those bright eyes full of hope make Techno, trying to hold his strong will, can’t refuse.

Whatever. Is my bag with you?

Yes, it is. I washed it because it’s dirty.

What! What’s about my things?
Techno raised his voice because all his work was in there. He could only blame himself that he shouldn’t be so hurried that he forgot his bag. But who wouldn’t be in a rush? This kid kissed him and confessed his feeling.

They’re in my bag. I bring my bag so you can use it… Are you okay with that?
His brother’s friend asked hesitatingly with a guilty face, and made it Techno, who was about to blow up that his junior touched his stuff, stop and shook his head slowly.

That’s okay.

I can’t complain. Look at that face like a sad puppy. I can’t say a word!

Well, that’s a relief.

If you’re relieved, then stop smiling like that, even a man can fall for that!

Techno turned another side when what happened last night popped up in his mind. His eyes were unintentionally fixing at those lips which were so fucking good at kissing.


Hey! Don’t come closer!

When the kid in front of him came closer, Techno stepped back immediately, and the fear in those eyes made Kengkla stop.

I’m sorry, It’s just… your hair is a bit messy.
Kengkla looked dismayed but touched his own hair. Techno stroked his hair while looking at his junior’s hand doubtfully.

I don’t know why I’m afraid but if he touches me…. Something must happen.

It’s okay now?

Not yet, it’s still messy.

When Techno asked, Kengkla replied nicely without coming closer to. However, no matter what Techno did, his hair was still untidy. Techno tried to look the windshield, but he couldn’t see it.

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