6 : ステッチ Sutetchi

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"Tenten.. You need to hurry or else.." Neji warned the brunette whose face was currently wedged somewhere in between his legs.

"Neji.. Just hold on.." Tenten sighed softly, her fingers shifting about quickly.

"You know why I am unable to do THAT. IT'S coming.." Neji replied through clenched teeth.

"Whose fault was it then?!" Tenten retorted.

"YOURS. Ahhhh... Gently!" Neji hissed softly, afraid to make another sound.

"Neji, I swear to god if you would not stop moving, the sutures are going to take a longer time to close! I am a weapon mistress NOT a seamstress!" Tenten exclaimed in exasperation.

Tenten and Neji were locked in her apartment. Neji had saved Tenten during their most recent mission. Kakashi was sent to an S-Rank Mission; he had insisted on doing it alone despite the Hokage's insistence in bringing along some backups. Which was a foolish move, he did not anticipate an ambush to come his way. Team Gai was deployed immediately.

Tenten was busy countering attacks that she left her side wide open for oncoming threats. She was almost hurt from a deadly jutsu if it weren't for Neji's timely interception. But it came with a prize though, Neji was sliced on his right thigh. He had treated it with temporary medical jutsu so that he could withstand the trip back whilst carrying an injured Kakashi. But what he did not expect was his teammate; Tenten, to notice this. The temporary jutsu lasted till they were out of the hospital. Neji told the team that he was going straight to the Hyuuga's instead of attending their traditional team dinner after successful missions. Even though Neji was not much of a sociable person; he had never missed team dinners, for he secretly enjoyed being in Team Gai's company for non-shinobi businesses. Tenten secretly pursued him from afar and found a trail of blood that seemed to be leading to him. Tenten intercepted him and gave him an earful until he agreed to allow her to treat it at her place. If she had done it in the Hyuuga's, they would make a fuss of the usage of their own specialised Hyuuga medical team. Neji hated to be fussed on, it would reach his Uncle's knowledge and the list would go on. He hated to admit it but he was similar to Kakashi in that expect; he despised attention and insincere pity to be casted upon him.

Tenten had been cleaning and neatly stitching his wound at her apartment, but there's another problem with this arrangement; Gai and Lee. They enjoy coming (barging) into Tenten's place to crash in the day after missions and unfortunately for them, today was THAT day. If the duo saw Neji with his trousers down and Tenten in between his legs- it would cause a scandal. Similar to middle-aged aunties, Gai and Lee were the epicentre of gossips. They would ship on any two individuals they believed were to be the ultimate "power couple" and let everybody else in the village know of their brilliant pairing.

Neji sighed out softly as he thought about the two freaks of nature whom he secretly cared about, somewhere deep within him, really deep within him he knew, he cared for them.

"All done!" Tenten yelled out in satisfaction, she tried to stand from her current position but her legs were asleep from kneeling down for too long that she lost her bearings and fell back down.

"Tenten!" Neji called out as he helped her up.

Right at that moment, the green beasts of Konoha threw open Tenten's door, their hands were hugging bags of snacks. "We are HERE~!"

Their voice were halted when they saw the scene before them, Neji had his pants down, his one hand was holding onto the back of her head while his other hand was holding onto her right shoulder and Tenten was situated in between his legs.

"OH MY GOD!!" Gai and Lee yelled out loud in English.

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