17 : 失恋 Shitsuren

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Two Weeks Ago

Kakashi had pushed her back when he had sobered up a little, Sakura was a mess, her button up shirt was missing a few buttons, thanks to Kakashi. Her velvety skin had angry territorial bite marks on them, her tousled hair most possibly matched Kakashi's at that time but worst off; Sakura looked extremely puzzled by his actions. Kakashi quickly pulled his mask back up to cover the lower part of his face.

"Kakashi.." Sakura called out to the older shinobi as she tried to teach out and touch his arm.

"Did I hurt you?" Kakashi asked Sakura firmly.

Taken aback by his question, Sakura pulled her hand back and shook her head, "No. No you didn't."

"Did I stepped on the boundaries? Did you consent yourself to this?" Kakashi asked her, he was now breathing hard as he used his chakra to slowly eliminate the alcohol in his system.

"Kakashi.. You kind of did but.." Sakura started but was interjected by Kakashi again.

"I have hurt you then. I am sorry Sakura. This is a mistake. I shouldn't even be here. You don't deserve this kind of treatment from the person who should be saving you." Kakashi spoke as he got up and quickly collected his clothes that were on the floor.

"Listen to me." Sakura pleaded as Kakashi halted, his trousers were pulled up halfway through. "I liked it. So no, you did not take advantage of me. I could have pushed you away but I didn't. I WANTED you to continue."

Kakashi turned slowly to face her. "What?"

"I said, it's okay. I am fine with it." Sakura explained.

Kakashi stood quietly as he looked at her, he was trying to digest what she was saying, Sakura enjoyed it? Instead of being okay with that, Kakashi started to frown.

"Why are you making that face?" Sakura asked him.

"Sakura. I don't think you should be enjoying that. I was drunk, I did not know what I was doing, I was not in control. It was my inhibited desire to take advantage of you. You should NOT be okay with it. You are worth MORE than that." Kakashi spoke firmly, he pulled his trousers up quickly.

"Worth?" Sakura repeated as she laughed mirthlessly. "I saved my precious jewel for marriage and the guy left me for another person who could fulfill what I have saved up for him. Now you are saying that I should continue doing so? So that others can leave me too? Aren't you supposed to be teaching me how to score men?"

"How to DATE respectable men. Not douchebags who would leave you after getting what they wanted. I am teaching you to be stronger, to rationalise the difference between men who are going to use you and those who will stay WITH you." Kakashi explained cautiously.

"Reality check oh dear wise one, I am practically a nun. I have no experience to even tell which is which. No men had ever been intimate with me, no one. The closest thing to that was you. And now, you could finally teach me how to do so, but I am getting preached by you instead." Sakura yelled out exasperatedly.

Kakashi was currently pulling down his loose long-sleeve shirt over himself. "I didn't sign up for THAT. I said I would help you. Not turn you into someone who would willingly throw herself at another just because she feels the superficial touch is good."

Kakashi kept quiet, he had finally drew the line. "T-that didn't come out right.." Kakashi stuttered.

"No. It came out WELL. I understand CLEARLY now. Thanks. It seems that you have taken up the role of my father. You can leave now DAD. Wouldn't want to taint your perfect daughter now would we?" Sakura spoke sharply.

"This is a misunderstanding, I am NOT TRYING TO BE YOUR FATHER." Kakashi exclaimed.

"Then why are you doing this to me?! I THOUGHT YOU WERE HELPING ME?!"
Sakura screamed, she was close to tears now.

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" Kakashi exploded, the words came out fluidly before he could even stop himself, he could see Sakura's eyes widened just as wide as his good eye.

"But I can't have you. I am a horrible match for you. I can't promise you happiness nor can I promise to be with you. Just like how I was not a good enough teacher for you to run to Tsunade for help. I don't want to hurt you. That's why I am trying to help you find someone better than me, better than Sasuke, someone you truly deserve. I thought I could do it and walk away from your life. But.. This is too much for me. I am sorry but I have to back out of the deal we made. I cannot help you anymore Sakura. Let's try our best to forget this ever happened. Let's be civil to each other, kindly address me as you senior or your teacher from now on. Bye Sakura."

Kakashi left her house while slamming the door hard. He was pretty certain that he could hear Sakura's uncontrollable sobs from the other side of the door.


Ino brought them to a newly opened club, she waved and hugged Sai and Naruto who were waiting for them at the entrance of the club.

"Knew you could do it Ino. You are the best." Sai mused as he gave Ino a chaste kiss on her cheek.

Ino blushed like there was no tomorrow, she merely nodded but managed to compose herself as she saw Naruto, "You on the other hand owe me $50 for looking down on my talents."

Naruto scowled and fished a $50 note from his pocket and handed it to the mind swapping specialist. Naruto then looked at Sakura and spoke, "Woah. You look really good Sakura-Chan. It's good to see you."

"Same here Naruto. It's good to see you. I hope you are not one of the few people who conspired against my freedom of speech by literally forcing me here." Sakura spoke sweetly; dangerously.

"WHY ARE WE STILL STANDING HERE?! LET'S ALL ENTER THE CLUB!" Naruto roared loudly, he was too afraid to get beaten up by Sakura in the presence of many. Not that he could not tolerate it but he would never evade a punch from his good friend.

Sakura tried her best to have a good time, she engaged herself in mindless conversations with her friends, danced, laughed, but deep down; she still felt pain. Kakashi confessed what was stored in his heart and LEFT. Just like that. She was so confused, she did not know of her feelings for her ex-Sensei. She liked him, yes, but did she LOVE him? She did not know. If she did, then the feeling might be broken right now with the way he was treating her. She was also mad at him. Mad because if he really did like her that much, shouldn't he at least put up a fight for her? Not just leave her feeling all horrible about herself?

Sakura sighed out loud. She wanted to go home at that point of time, her intentions were halted momentarily when Naruto pointed out to someone in the club.

"Say isn't that.. Kakashi-Sensei?" Naruto exclaimed.

Sleek silver hair combed neatly, wearing a white top over a khaki blazer and black denim and loafers; Kakashi looked amazing that night. Sakura could not peel her eyes from him. He was talking merrily with someone next to him, from their perspective, they could not see who that person was until he pressed her against himself to the side while sniffing her neck did they realise who it was; Aoyama Hiroko.

The next thing they knew, Kakashi's hands were all over her and they started to make out in the middle of the club.

"I-I gotta go.." Sakura spoke abruptly.

"Sakura? Are you okay?" Ino asked her worriedly.

"N-no. Ino. I'm sorry but I can't do this." Sakura stammered as she looked at Ino in The Eye. Ino gasped when she saw Sakura's pleading watery eyes, she merely nodded and allowed Sakura to go as she distracted Sai and Naruto.

Sakura walked silently out of the club. Her chest was heaving, her head was in a muddle; the only vision was of Kakashi and Hiroko. Her throat was all choked up as she walked out of the club and she started crying; that was when she knew, she had feelings for her Sensei. And the man in question had already moved on.


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