19 : 詐欺師 Sagi-shi

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"So you want to sleep with Sakura-Chan.." Naruto repeated for the third time that night.

"REST NEARBY HER PRESENCE." Neji half yelled.

"Naruto. Why are you even asking this question? You are not supposed to even BE HERE." Tenten retorted.

"Look who's talking?!" Naruto replied sarcastically. "Why are YOU here? Isn't this about Neji, not YOU?"

"Enough." Sakura hushed the both of them. To which the duo glared at each other before they looked away from one another. "So you are saying that..?"

"We believe Aoyama is up to something. But I can't know for sure. You are the missing piece, I need to rest for a little while next to you to get the full vision. When I was in the hospital you were technically not exactly near me. Hence, the dreams were not exactly clear." Neji explained.

Sakura nodded. "This explains why your chakra levels are off the charts even while you sleep. Let's do it."

Neji had already scooted over to Tenten, he turned his body around so the other two could not see what was happening, but Sakura caught it pretty quickly before they turned. He saw Tenten holding his hand. Sakura smiled softly at that. The cold Hyuuga had a soft side after all. Just like Kakashi. Aloof, unbothered, odd at first glance. But the way he cared, helped and sacrificed everything for love; was admirable. Sakura's thoughts were halted when she heard loud and painful grunts coming from the proud Hyuuga prodigy.

Tenten was refraining Naruto from waking Neji up. "He needs to complete this vision. I know, it's painful to watch but he had informed me to stop anyone from waking him up until he is done." Tenten gave Naruto a stern look which the blonde nodded to. Tenten's focus went back to Neji. "Hang in there Neji." She whispered.


Instead of Tenten, currently, a vision of Sakura was sauntering her way towards him. She was wearing the skimpiest outfit that he had ever seen. Instead of being uncomfortable with it, Neji was AROUSED by this. Which was odd, Neji never even viewed Sakura as a date-able woman before this.

Neji felt drawn to her in this vision, he went straight to her and pulled her to a passionate kiss. Sakura giggled as she replied to his hungry kisses.

"Slow down, old man." Sakura spoke softly.

"You are so beautiful." Neji heard himself say as he sniffed her hair and exhaled. "I love your scent.. I love you.."

Sakura gave him a small peck on the lips before she continued, "Would you do anything for the woman you love?"

"Anything." Neji heard himself say.

"Here's what you got to do. I want revenge on someone in Konoha. A filthy bitch who took what was mine. And the worst part is, Konoha will back her up for anything that she does, even murder. I need to avenge the death of my precious friend. She killed him so now I need to get even. I want Konoha and her soulmate. Can you help me with that?" Sakura asked.

"They hurt you?" Neji asked, his voice was laced with anger, it was a horrifying experience, he could feel her anger, her pain, her frustration.

"Yes" Sakura replied, her voice now sounded like she was in pain, "I have been trying to get Suna to attack Konoha by sending them vile scrolls from the past that Konoha had ever intended to send Suna, but it was intercepted by Tsunade. So now this is what I need you to do. Go to Suna, provoke their kazekage under the name of Konoha. Then I want you to come back here and seduce then kill the Hokage's apprentice. Will you do that for me, pet?"

"I will leave now." Neji heard himself reply.

The vision of Sakura has now turned into Hiroko, Neji managed to get a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror nearby, his face was not the one reflected in the mirror- it was Hatake Kakashi.


Neji woke up from his sleep, in cold sweat, Sakura was there in an instant, but Neji immediately activated his byakugan, he almost blocked Sakura's tenjutsu points if Naruto had not sacrificed himself instead, Neji almost attacked Sakura again but Tenten intercepted him.

"Neji! Stop! The dream! It's over! You are awake now!" Tenten yelled as she held onto his shoulders.

"Ten..Tenten?" Neji asked in disbelief, he pointed towards Sakura and asked, "Is she..?"

"That's the real Sakura. Calm down okay? Tell us what happened." Tenten asked him gently.

When Neji was certain she was the real Haruno Sakura, Sakura went straight to Naruto's aid, she could hear Neji saying the next few words that sent chills down her spine, "It wasn't me. I was not the one who was tasked to kill. KAKASHI. He is in trouble. Aoyama is using him. Konoha and Sakura are in trouble. We need to move NOW!"


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