21 : 時間 Jikan

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Hiroko sneered menacingly, "Talented aren't I? All these puppets were once amazing shinobis and kunoichis. I defeated them, put them in a genjutsu, encapsulated them, preserved their body parts and slowly changed them into puppets using a little potion that I created.
I must admit though, Kakashi put up quite a fight. It took me close to two entire weeks to gain control of him."

Sakura calculated the last time they saw Kakashi, it was not exactly two weeks back, but it was two days ago. The day they saw him at the club, Hiroko most possibly have planned this differently, but since they knew of her plans earlier, she had to improvise her plans. That was why she brought "Kakashi" to the club, to ensure that they would not be looking for him to buy herself more time. That was most possibly a facade; another one of her puppets. Just like what Neji mentioned, Kakashi could still somehow see through the genjutsu. It had not taken full control over Kakashi yet.

Sakura's eyes widened when she realised this, Hiroko was slipping up. She was trying to buy more time to complete the next part of her plan; destroy Konoha. This meant, Kakashi might still be nearby with some of her puppets.

It all started to make sense. Kakashi never did went out with Hiroko. It was a plan to distract them from the flaws in her plans. The best person who might have any idea where the real Kakashi was; Neji. His visions might give them clues to where the real Kakashi was. While Hiroko was distracted with Kiba's gatsuga's advances, Sakura sent a slug summon to Naruto.

Naruto nodded at her direction before Sakura fought off a few of the puppets and ran towards Neji who just sent a few puppets flying into oblivion with his Eight Trigrams: Empty Palm.

"I need to talk to you." Sakura yelled as she punched a puppet that was creeping up behind Neji.


The moment Sakura saw Naruto created a bunshin of herself and Neji, she and the Hyuuga prodigy stealthily left the clearing.

"Can you see him, Neji?" Sakura asked Neji hurriedly.

"The last time I caught sight of him was about 3 kilometres down southeast. But I have lost sight of of him when Hiroko and her puppets hindered our path." Neji explained as they rushed southeast.

"Your vision. They must be a clue as to where he would be." Sakura begged, time was of the essence at that crucial moment. If the potion has taken its entire effects, Kakashi would be a lifeless puppet; an empty shell.

Neji kept quiet as he thought. His vision always showed him a similar place, in a bedroom, a sexy Tenten, turned Sakura turned Hiroko. He shook his head, it was beyond that. Right after Sakura turned into Hiroko, he could see a reflection of himself as Kakashi. They needed to find an object that reflects..

"River! The nearest one is.. Akan River!" Neji concluded.

Sakura nodded as they quickened the pace to get to Kakashi. They needed to get there before Kakashi reaches Suna to ensure that the Kazekage would not be harmed. Even the mighty Gaara would not expect "Konoha" to ambush them.


"Distract Hiroko. I will find Kakashi." Saiken the tiny slug whispered against Naruto's ear.

Naruto nodded before he watched as Sakura dashed towards Neji. Naruto was great at distraction. His sexy no jutsu was prove of that. He discreetly created two bunshins, one of Sakura and the other of Neji as he called Hiroko out.

"Why are you planning on getting even with Sakura-Chan? Hasn't she been a good mentor to you?!" Naruto asked her angrily as he threw several rasen-shuriken her way, which was deflected by her puppets.

"SHE KILLED SASORI! She killed the man I loved!" Hiroko yelled out furiously.

"Euw. Gross." Naruto gagged out, "Your boyfriend was a freaking DOLL?!"

"NARUTO, FOCUS!" Tenten pleaded.

"Dude.." Kiba sweat dropped alongside Akamaru and Asuma, shaking their heads at Naruto's outbursts.

"I had my eyes on Sasuke initially. I thought that was who she loved. Until about a year ago. I followed her and Kakashi to that damn cave. The stupid indenial fool chose to ignore it but I knew from then, she was into him. So I crafted a plan, to kill Kakashi, the man she loved and destroy Konoha.." Hiroko explained but stopped when it suddenly dawned onto her.

"Wait.. How did you know that I was after Sakura this entire time?" Hiroko questioned the loud blonde.

"Nice going, idiot." Kiba sighed as he called Akamaru for their next target, Hiroko. Kiba wondered why Sakura entrusted NARUTO to distract Hiroko. The boy's only distraction technique was the sexy no jutsu and unfortunately that only worked on men.

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"Kakashi." Sakura spoke softly.

"Yes, love?" Kakashi asked her gently.

"Can you repeat the plan please?" Sakura asked him as she tucked a loose strand of pink her behind her ear.

"Get to Gaara. Create a scene, kill him if I am able to, ensure that someone sees me before making a run for it." Kakashi repeated the plan.

"Good boy." Sakura applauded as she gave him a kiss.

Kakashi was halfway to Suna by then, he was accompanied by a capsule puppet that resembled Sakura and about two more puppets that used to be wanted shinobis in the bingo list. They two puppets scanned their surroundings for any on coming intruders and halted right at Akan River as they took their fighting stance. The duo were immediately thrown off balance as they felt the wrath of Neji's Hakke Hasangeki. Sakura took this opportunity to pursue the capsule puppet and Kakashi as Neji yelled, "Go! I will handle these two."

Sakura nodded and rushed to Kakashi.


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