Chapter 06

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My victory doesn't last long.

After getting away from Ashton and his friends, I happily pipe and stroll into my first class. Mrs. G is the sweetest person in the world, she won't mind me walking ten minutes late for her class.

"Hold on Miss White," says the sweetest voice of Mrs.mG. I dead stop on my track and turn around.

"Yes Mrs. G-Gabriel?"

"You are ten minutes late," she deadpans.

Since when she asks? Maybe I'm really out of luck today. And the first day of the year hasn't even finished yet.

"I know ma'am," I try to say every word as smoothly as possible, trying not to step on the wrong foot.

Mrs. G looks around the class. "For twenty years of my career, I've tolerated each of you's tardiness," she says. I see the boys from the back of the class's jaw fall on the ground. What has gotten into her today? "I hoped by doing so, you all l might start paying attention to my class. But I see I've been wrong. So I've decided to mark each of your actions in my class starting with Miss White today. Detention after school."

Now it's my jaw's turn to hit the ground. "You can't possibly-"

"Another word and that'll be a week." That shuts my mouth and I walk to the back of the class.

How wonderful! Two rules were broken in one day. I definitely need to buy those stickers.

"Congrats on receiving the first-ever detention from Mrs. G," the boy from across the row says. Great, just what I needed. "By the way, great article on Fellan," he continues. "I must say, it's the photo of the year."

The boy in front of me turns around. "Oh yeah, that article. You wrote it, right? Everyone is talking about it all morning."

The photo. The reason behind my first ever punishment after freshman year.

Everyone in the class turns their attention to us."Can you make sure it goes to our yearbook too?" A girl says. "Then I'll get to stare at those fine muscles all day." Some boys gross out at her words but few girls agree. Even thinking of that fine body makes me flustered all over again.

'Kiara! Get your head sorted out!' My brain screams.

Geez girl, go easy on the victim.

"Is there any problem Miss Smith and Mr. Clover?" Mrs. G turns from the blackboard.

"No ma'am, everything is peachy, we're just getting into it." The boy in front of me says. Everyone else follows his suit.

I sigh in relief. Thank you so much Ashton fucking Fellan for the attention, I mentally roll my eyes.

* * * *

To say I'm not popular in school is an understatement. The only reason people know about my existence is because of the newspaper. Or to say Jason's so-called hot look.

Some are still having a hard time processing that he's in the newspaper committee instead of the football team. Or baseball. He would've suited better in baseball. To those, being in the press committee means you're up to a sucker group.

And there's Derek. Well, not much contribution from his side though. Derek himself is a shy person and tries to mind his own business all the time. And because most of the jocks are Ashton's friend, who holds some unspoken grudge against Derek, they're also not a big fan of him either. Still, Derek holds some authority from the pre-Ashton era.

Yet, the attention that the Fellan fiasco is giving me today will last a lifetime. I can hardly make my way to the classes without getting questioned. As for the mighty Fellan himself, I haven't seen him after that encounter in the hallway.

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