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Hyunjin's P.O.V

I was running all around my house, trying to get everything perfect for Seungmin. Even though he had already been here before, the last time he was pretty out of it. I had gone to the store and bought all kinds of snacks and drinks, even going as far as secretly texting his friends to ask what his favorites were.

My door bell rang and I panicked, thinking it was Seungmin and he was early. I ran to the door and composed myself before opening it. "Ugh!" I groaned when I saw my other friends. They looked at me questioningly and I just rolled my eyes. "It's just you."

"Wow, thanks for being so grateful to your awesome friends who came over early to help you get ready." Changbin said sarcastically with a glare. They pushed past me and started helping me.

"Sorry." I said, following them into my kitchen. "I am grateful, but I am just super anxious for Minnie to come over! I don't want to disappoint him or his friends." I said and Chan have me a knowing smile.

"Don't worry, I'm nervous, too." Chan said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I knew that Chan was talking about meeting Jeongin for the first time, especially since I hadn't told Jeongin about my attempt at matchmaking yet. I glanced over at Changbin, who was organizing some snacks.

"I'm not nervous." Jisung said, in a voice that indicated a dirty remark would follow. "I'm just gonna seduce him, and if he has this ass once, he'll want it again and again." I pretended to gag and Chan walked over. Jisung just let Chan pick him up and throw him on the couch.

"What about you Bin?" I asked the short boy, who dropped the bag of chips he was nervously fiddling with. I laughed and he picked it up, glancing at us warily.

"I'm super nervous." He admitted, looking at his feet. "Felix is so cute and all, but I've been talking to somebody online, and I really like him. The thing is that I don't want Felix to feel left out, but I also don't want to lead him on." Binnie ranted.

"Isn't it a little bold of you to assume that he'll even like you in the first place?" Jisung said with a rude smile on his face. Chan glanced at him and the youngest boy sighed.

"Fine! I'll just do it myself." Jisung pouted, throwing himself onto the couch. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Changbin. Changbin finally let my eyes and then he sighed, setting the snack down.

"It's true though, and that's what I'm nervous about. I'm worried that just because I've met him, I'll choose Felix over the guy online, just because I'm scared of being catfished and I'm worried they will be mad when they find out who I am. It's all too much for my tiny brain to handle!" Binnie groaned, running his hand through his hair nervously.

"How did you meet this online guy anyways?" I asked Bin, knowing we all were at least a little curious. We glanced at Binnie waiting for an answer as he turned bright red.

"Fine." He sighed loudly. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh or make fun of me!" We all agreed to his terms and he spoke again. "Well, I made a 3RACHA fan account, so I could go undercover and talk to our fans, but I was immediately intrigued by one of the pages." Changbin glanced up every so often, making sure we weren't teasing him.

"I contacted the page and was shocked when the person running it said they were a boy. Of course we have a lot of fanboys, but not a lot of fan pages are run by boys. We started talking and we had a lot in common, so we started to talk all the time, and now I think I like him, which is crazy, because I don't even know his real name or what he looks like. I'm also worried that if he found out who I was he would get mad at me for lying and wouldn't trust me anymore!"

"Aww, our little Binnie's all grown up and having relationship issues!" I cooed, trying to lighten the mood. It must've worked somewhat, because Changbin laughed and smiled, shaking his head at me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, resting my chin on his head.

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