Bonus Chapter 2

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Hyunjin's P.O.V

As soon as I saw Jeonginnie and the Lee brothers, my heart start beating faster. My palms started to sweat as I watched the pink wearing boys come towards me down the aisle. I quickly wiped my hands on my pants, hoping nobody would notice.

"Are you good?" Chan's voice rang, his words cutting through my anxiety ridden thoughts. I felt his strong grip on my shoulder and his touch seemed to pull me back to reality. Nodding at Chan Hyung, I mentally assured myself that everything was going to be fine, because I was marrying Minnie, my soulmate, who wouldn't ever hurt me on purpose.

My breath caught in my throat when the piano started to play, and Minnie appeared from around the corner. He had his arm in Woojin's and he looked incredible. The suit he had on was all white, with a pink bow tie that matched the groomsmen. I don't think he had ever looked better than this, and he always looked beautiful.

Seungmin's eyes met mine and I swear my heart stopped. He looked just as worried as I was, which seemed to somehow help with my own worriedness. My lips curled into a grin, which caused Seungmin's to do the same. When I saw his smile, I felt my doubts leave my body, and relief flooded through my mind.

"He's unreal." I mumbled, but Sungjin heard me. He was standing on one side of me, since he was officiating the ceremony. Sungjin smirked at me and patted my back, his smile growing at how whipped I was for Kim Seungmin.

"Hi." Seungmin muttered to me shyly once he reached the altar. I smiled widely at how cute he was, and he blushed when we made eye contact.

"God, you're so gorgeous." I muttered, reaching out and touching his face. Sungjin started to go through the classic wedding spiel, adding in funny things every once  in a while. Seungmin and I just stared at one another, seeming kind of lost in each other.

"If you have vows prepared, now would be the time to say them." Sungjin said with a loving look on his face. I turned to Chan, who handed me the paper I had prepared, and Minnie did the same with Woojin. "Who wants to go first?" My manager asked, and Seungmin cutely pointed for me to go first, his shyness making the people around the room laugh.

I smiled widely at his adorable behavior and unfolded my vows. "Minnie, I promise that I will always be there to protect you, and I will always spoil you more than you can imagine. I will try to make you blush as often as possible, but that's mostly for my benefit." I spoke and Seungmin did just that, as the audience chuckled.

"I want to give you everything you want, and have a family with you, whether that be just you me and Kkami, or our future kids, too. I promised to keep an open mind and grow together, always lifting eachother up, and not holding the other back." I said, holding Minnie's gaze in mine.

"I promise to love you through our bad times and good times, and always help you find the positive side of things. I will support your ambitions and help you achieve all of your goals.  I will always be yours Minnie, even when you get tired of me." I spoke and I heard some sniffles from the quests, turning to see that Mingyu was crying into his boyfriend's shoulder.

Seungmin started to unfold his vows, and I could see tears in his eyes. I reached out and clutched his hand, showing him that I was here. He gave me a grateful smile and then he started to read off of the paper he had written.

"Hyunjin, from the first day we met, you have been consistent and unstoppable in your flirting ways." My baby said, drawing some more laughs from our guest. "You have been consistently sweet towards me underneath all of your flattery though, and I can't express how much I appreciate that." His eyes teared up more, and mine followed suit.

"You always are looking out for me and protecting me, even though I feel like it inconveniences you." He said, but I shook my head at him, never wanting him to feel that way. "I promise to always get shy when you compliment me, even when we're old. I will always try to make you feel loved and appreciated."

"I will help you do everything you want to, and I will always be your date on red carpets, and be known as 'Hwang Hyunjin's Husband'." Seungmin said with a tear falling down his pale face. I reached up and brushed it away, letting my hand linger.

"I now pronounce you husbands, you can kiss or whatever." Sungjin said, and everyone laughed. I used the hand that I had on Minnie's cheek to pull hid face to mine, connecting out lips. I followed Sungjin's instructions and kissed my husband, feeling his face heat up against my palm.

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