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A/N:Thanks so much for 13k reads!

Hyunjin's P.O.V

"I'm going home to Seungminnie!" I said, releasing and exasperated sigh. Sungjin laughed at me and shuffled with some paperwork. I was only in his office, and not home snuggling with my baby, because we had to figure out some measures to keep Minnie safe.

"Okay, but drive safe!" Sungjin said, waving but not even looking up from his work. I smiled at how hard he worked for me and walked out of his door, trying not to think of what happened to me in this same building.

As soon as I got out to my car, my phone started ringing loudly. With a groan, I answered the call in an annoyed tone. I had forgotten to check the caller ID, and in a few seconds I would definitely regret not doing that.

"Is that anyway to greet the woman who pushed you out of her vagina, and then raised you as well?" My mom said, sounding very angry. My eyes got wide and I apologized over and over, knowing that I was already in trouble for not calling her often enough.

"That's better, but I'm still very disappointed with you." She said, her voice still indicating her foul mood.

"What for?" I asked, genuinely wanting to make it up to her. My mom was the best mom in the whole world. She had to raise me all by myself after my dad left us, but she never complained, and wouldn't accept help from anyone.

"Maybe because you never call me or visit me!" She exclaimed, and I could hear her hitting a hard surface. I flinched at the loud noise and started to feel guilty. "Or maybe it's because I just had to find out about your little boyfriend from our gossip loving neighbor!" Her voice got louder with every word, and then I felt really bad.

"Mom, believe me, this is not what I wanted to happen, but I had to keep Minnie safe!" I told her and she sighed loudly.

"I'm aware." She said, her voice significantly quieter. "After I found out I watched the press release and read some gossip articles." She said and I sucked the air in through my teeth preparing for the disapproval that always came after she found out I was in a relationship.

"He's very cute." Was all she said, catching me off guard. My eyebrows raised and my eyes got big. A scoff accompanied my look of disbelief and she just chuckled.

"That's all you have to say?" I asked her, my voice showcasing my indignation at her reaction to the news. She chuckled again, making me frown worriedly at what might come next.

"No, I really do like him." She said, her tone of voice sounding surprisingly genuine. "I did some research and he worked hard to get his job, and he doesn't seem to only like you for your looks like all those hoebags you dated in highschool." The "hoebags" my mother was referring to were all girls I dated in highschool as beards, and she always saw right through me.

"Well, then I'll have to bring him to meet you." I said, and she squealed. I did a double take at her noise of happiness and shook my head to rid it of thoughts about how weird she was acting. "I should probably get home to him though, he probably misses me." I said and we said our goodbyes.

"Wait!" My mom said, as my finger hovered just above the end call button. "You already live together!?" She asked, this time sounding very disapproving of my choices.

"Bye mom!" I said, hanging up despite her protests. I silenced my phone so she couldn't call me back and began my drive home, really anticipating getting to relax and cuddle my baby. Much to my dislike, though, that is not at all what happened when I got home.

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