Bonus Chapter 4

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Hyunjin's P.O.V

3 Years After Last Chapter

"Jagiya! Hurry!" I shouted to my stressed husband, who was currently rushing all around our messy house.  Our daughter, Cho-Hae, was in my arms, currently screaming and reaching for her other dad. Kkami was in her little pen, yapping and trying to get to us. I had a feeling she didn't like the fact that Cho-Hae was so upset.

I rolled my eyes as Minnie continued to rush around, shoving things into two different diaper bags. "Min, our surrogate isn't going to wait for you to be there to push out a baby." I told him, trying to keep calm. Seungmin whipped his head around and narrowed his tired eyes at me in annoyance.

My exhausted husband let out a sigh and walked over to me with the two bags. He handed me the bag that was for our new baby that was currently being birthed, and then took our upset toddler from me. She started to calm down as soon as Seungmin hugged her and I played hurt. Cho-Hae giggled at me and stuck her tongue out at me. A laugh slipped from my lips as I followed Seungmin out the front door and into the elevator. 

Once the elevator doors were shut, Minnie slumped against the wall with a groan. I walked over to my husband and daughter and wrapped my arm around Min's waist. I placed a kiss on his forehead and he sighed as I pulled away to examine his face. He had a sleepy look on his face and it only made him look even more adorable.

Cho-Hae pouted and cutely puffed out her cheek, tapping it, asking me for a kiss, too. Seungmin and I exchanged a look and then I leaned over to kiss her soft pale cheek. I purposely made a loud noise when I pulled away and Cho clamped a tiny hand over her cheek. She squealed and kicked her tiny feet.

"We have the cutest daughter." I told Seungmin, who nodded as I brushed his hair from his face and kissed his nose. A tiny hand connected with my cheek and pushed my face away from Minnie's. Cho whined and pouted out her adorable pink lips, not liking it when I showed affection to someone that wasn't her.

"You're Appa is allowed to kiss me!" Seungmin told our daughter, and she shook her head stubbornly. "I can't believe how similar she is to you." Seungmin said with an eyeroll.

"She is just like me, especially because she loves you soooo much. And because she gets so possessive." I told Seungmin, whispering the last part and he smiled at me shyly, the compliment still making him blush, just like the first time I ever spoke to him. Even after all these years, my Minnie still got so flustered at even the smallest thing.

"I do love Dada sooooo much!" Cho-Hae exclaimed, squishing Seungmin's cheeks and blowing a raspberry against one of them. Seungmin laughed and so did I, both of us in awe of how precious our daughter was.

The elevator doors slid open and the lobby of our apartment building came into view. I glanced at Seungmin and then we both stepped out, walking toward the main doors. As soon as he saw us, the valet, Hak-Kun, gestured for one of the other workers to fetch our car, throwing him our keys.

"Is it go time?" Hak-Kun asked, hid dark eyes full of genuine excitement. I nodded and his smile grew. "I can't wait to have another Hwang baby running around here!" He qushed, and I smiled at the man who I had gotten to know in the 5 years I had lived here.

"Neither can we." I assured him, glancing at Seungmin with a fond smile. "Isn't that right, Hae Hae?" I asked my adorable toddler. She crossed her arms and glared at me, eerily reminding me of her other dad.

"No!" She insisted, looking very grumpy. "I don't want a baby!" She sassed me, burying her adorable face in Min's chest. I reached over and rubbed her back over her cute sundress. She grumbled at me and I retracted my hand with wide eyes.

"I guess she has the same favorite as her Appa!" I said with a big grin, and Seungmin smiled back at me, kissing the top of our angry daughter's head. "So adorable." I cooed at Cho, who in turn glared at me. "Okay, okay!" I said, raising my hands in surrender.

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