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Hyunjin's P.O.V

"Let's go." I whispered in Minnie's ear, pulling him along. We entered the JYP Magazine building and everyone was looking at us. I could feel Minnie's grip on my hand tighten and he glanced around nervously. He looked to me for help, his eyes filled with worry.

"Let's just strut through the building." I told him, and he looked at me with wide eyes, seeming to bot like my brilliant plan. "Come on, it'll be fun." I told him, urging him forward with my arm around his slim waist. He went along with my plan, but he left most of the strutting up to me.

I walked confidently through the building, pretending not to hear the whispers or see the stares and pointed fingers of the people we passed. We stopped by Seungmin's desk for him to get some of his things and then we headed up to the studio a floor up.

"I'm going to get changed and find Sungjin, okay?" I told him and he nodded, quickly glancing around to see if anyone was watching us and then kissing me on the cheek. He turned bright red, despite the kiss lasting only a millisecond, and scurried off to get his camera and things ready.

I rolled my eyes and watched him until he was out of my sight, then left him to go get ready. After I saw the paper sign on a dressing room door with my name on it, I stepped inside. Once inside the room I was greeted by two girls and Sungjin.

"Thank goodness you're here!" Sungjin said, making me very confused. "Well, there was a little bit of talk going around that you and Seungmin were taking a day off." He finished and a frown made it's way onto my face.

"Talk from who?" I asked him incredulously, plopping myself down in the chair to get my hair and makeup done. Sungjin just shrugged and gestured around, tell me that it was a little bit of everyone. "I see." I muttered, shaking my head, but stopping myself when I remembered why I was in this room.

My makeup and hair got done quickly and then the girls carefully helped me into my outfit, if you could even call it that. The "outfit" consisted of extremely tight fitting leather jeans and a see through mesh shirt that had big rips in it. I'm not saying I didn't look good as hell, I'm just saying that it was a little bit more daring than my usual clothes.

"Let's go!" I said, my enthusiasm this early in the morning making Sungjin groan and roll his brown eyes. I walked out of the door and into the studio. Everyone's heads whipped around to look at me. I glanced around with a frown until my eyes landed on Seungmin.

He was bright red and his eyes were wider than I had ever seen anyone's eyes before. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow at him. Then I realised what was on my body, or at least the lack of what was on it.

Then Seungmin took me, and everyone else in the room, in surprise and started to move toward me swiftly. All of the various people in the room were watching Minnie, waiting to see what he would do next. I think they were all satisfied by his next actions, and would gossip about it for sure.

Seungmin threw his arms around me as soon as he reached me and it seemed like he was shielding me. "What is it, Minnie?" I asked teasingly, already knowing why he had reacted like that.

"You know what it is!" He whined in my ear, stomping his foot. His grip didn't loosen even as I started to laugh at him. He pulled his face away so I could see his frown and then finally released me. "I don't want to share you!" He whined again, avoiding eye contact. "But...since it's for work, I guess it okay, but you owe me." He said, crossing his arms and pouting like the baby he was.

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