S1 - Chapter 3

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I squirmed around in the uncomfortable chair, pulling against the chains and then grunting in pain when I almost dislocated my wrists from how tight the bindings were. This was all so confusing... Where was I? I wasn't too surprised at my circumstances. I'd never been abducted before but I expected it to happen one day. After all, being in a yakuza wasn't all fun and games.

The most confusing thing was who had taken me prisoner. When my captor spoke, I could tell it was the voice of a woman - no, a girl. She sounded as if she were about the same age as me, maybe a little younger. She'd probably also been the one that attacked me in the alleyway, but I couldn't remember much from that because it all happened so fast.

Maybe the girl was an assassin for hire? But if that were so, she would've killed me right away. And she couldn't be from a rival yakuza either - she would have had back up and would now probably be torturing me for information, not... being so friendly and caressing my cheeks and hair.

When she offered me food, I was hesitant to accept - what if she poisoned it? I couldn't be too sure about anything until she at least took the blindfold off. But oddly enough, when she left to get food, I wanted her to come back. It wasn't all that great being locked up in some room, probably a basement, alone.

And she seemed friendly... Right?


After my snack, I decided to return to the basement. I unlocked the metal door and stepped in to see Alex deep in thought - he probably didn't even realize I came in. He wasn't struggling like I thought he'd be - instead, he looked relaxed.

"I'm back!" I informed him, strolling inside. He raised his head and to my surprise, a small smile appeared on his face. "I changed my mind." He said, "Could you please bring me some food, too?"

I was surprised at how quickly his mood changed. He went from suspicious and hesitant to calm and open. I didn't know what to think of it, but I just shook it off. "Alright." I said, "But tell me sooner next time! Okay?"

"Mhm." He nodded. Before leaving, I pushed the table closer to him and placed my chair next to his. "Be right back!" I said and ran off.

While in the kitchen, I kept thinking about his strange change of behavior. The only explanation I found plausible was that he was planning on escaping and wanted to make me feel like I could trust him. I hated that thought and hoped that wasn't the case. Whatever - I'd question him about it later. And besides, I expected him to want to escape - it was a basic human instinct.

I warmed the chicken I'd cooked a few days before and cut it up into a soup, along with some vegetables. I was aware it wasn't the best food to have for breakfast, but it was one of Alex's favorite foods and I didn't have much else. I was probably going to have to go shopping soon.

I took the soup in one hand, strolled over to the basement, and unlocked the door. That took me long enough, but I finally managed to push the door open and place the bowl on the table in front of Alex.

"I made you chicken soup." I informed him, turning his chair around, so he'd face me. "Thanks, that's one of my favorite foods." He pointed out, and I giggled quietly, looking away. "I know~" I purred and Alex's brow furrowed slightly. He looked hesitant again, but I ignored his reaction.

"Open up!" I said, raising a spoon of the chicken soup to his lips. Alex shied away and I frowned. "What's the matter?" I asked, lowering it. Was he worried I'd done something to the food? "I thought it was your favorite?"

"It is, just..." He began slowly, turning away a little. I was still frowning, wondering what he could possibly be so hesitant about. "What is it, Alex?" I asked again, "I promise I didn't poison the food if that's what you're so worried about. And it's the exact temperature you usually have soup in."

"How do you-" He began again, then shook his head. "Nevermind. Listen, could you take the blindfold off? Please... It's getting really uncomfortable seeing only black for really long. And I'm pretty sure we're in a basement, so even if I could see, it wouldn't change anything. Right?"

Well, no. I thought to myself. But you'd see my face. I sighed quietly. I didn't like the thought of taking the blindfold off and letting him see, but it was clear to me he was uncomfortable and I wanted him to feel the most at home as possible... I just hoped he wouldn't start complaining about being tied to a chair. As much as I would love to let him explore the house and walk around freely, it was way too soon. I had no proof he wouldn't try to escape the first chance he got.

But I was getting too ahead of myself. All he'd asked for was to have the blindfold taken off. And if I wanted him to feel safe and more comfortable, I'd have to oblige... Even though I wanted to have him completely under my control while he didn't trust me.

I must have been quiet for really long because Alex tilted his head to the side and asked, "Hey, ya still here?" I cleared my throat and straightened up. "Yes." I replied, "Alright, I'll take the blindfold off."

Alex smiled again and straightened up, too. I brought my hand up to his face, taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of his warm soft skin against mine. Then, I hooked my finger on the blindfold and pulled it off.

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