S1 - Chapter 5

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I woke up in the afternoon, jumped out of bed, washed my face, and brushed my hair. I didn't put on makeup, I didn't even have any because I never bothered spending money on it. I made cereal and after my short breakfast, I skipped down to the basement again.

I unlocked the door and turned the lights on, keeping my gaze trained on Alex. The moment the basement was lit up, he groaned and squinted his eyes, turning away.

"Good morning!" I purred, skipping over to him, "How'd you sleep?"

"Bad." He responded tiredly, "It was so dark I couldn't see a thing, the chair is uncomfortable and the chains are way too tight." I blinked in surprise at his honesty and turned my gaze to the ground. Was it... really that bad? I was just trying to take precautions, not make his life living hell. I could feel my eyes begin to sting. I hated that he was so uncomfortable and that I was the reason he was complaining... I was a horrible person!

"I'm kidding." Alex said and I looked back up at him, sniffling slightly. "Don't worry, I'm fine." He reassured me with a cute little smile. "Do you have any more of that soup?"

"Actually, that's what I came to talk to you about." I said quickly, wiping my face just in case a tear really had made its way to my face. "I don't really have any more food, so I have to go shopping."

"Wait, before you go, I have a question! Well, two actually..." I sighed but nodded. "Ask away." I said, strolling over to him and sitting down in front of his chair. "One, can I come?" He began, hope sparkling in his eyes.

I was sad to see it disappear when I responded with a simple "No." He sighed but I continued. "However, I can untie you and let you wander the house while I'm gone. Ask the other question."

"Okay," Alex smiled, looking grateful, while I slowly began to remove his bindings. His expression suddenly changed to a more serious one. "How come... How come you know everything about me? I mean, my favorite food, the usual temperature I have soup at... I mean, even I don't know that but I know that you made it just like I do, with the exact same ingredients. And I'm pretty sure it's not just that."

I sighed, leaning my elbows on my knees and resting my face in my hands. The chains were all off now, but Alex didn't get up. Instead, he obediently continued to sit, bringing his wrists up to rub them while closely watching me.

I'd expected this question... I just wasn't exactly sure how to respond. I couldn't tell him I was a stalker, I hated that word and he'd probably hate me. I didn't exactly want to tell him I was in love with him and needed him more than anything, so I kidnapped him. And to top it all off, I killed everyone that either hurt him, wanted to hurt him, or showed interest in him because they could steal him from me.

I hated thinking of myself as some kind of insane stalker and murderer, but I couldn't lie to myself - that was basically me in a nutshell, as much as I hated to admit it.

Maybe I could tell him the truth in a way he wouldn't understand. I know he didn't watch anime or read manga, so I could take a word known almost only to weebs and pray he didn't know what it meant.

"Well..." I began carefully, letting go of my face and straightening up to gaze him in the eyes. "I'm, what you might call, a yandere."

"Oh..." Alex breathed, straightening up and furrowing his brow in surprise and even slight fear. I immediately began to internally panic. Dammit, he knew the word! Oh, I was so screwed! Now, the love of my life would think of me as a psychopathic murderer and a stalker and hate me forever!

"That kind of explains all the mysterious disappearances." He pointed out calmly while I was questioning all my life choices. Alex placed his ankle on his knee, leaning his elbow on an armrest and dragging his thumb along his bottom lip, thinking. "Judging by what you just said, I'd say you've been following me for about a year, right? And you must have watched my every move, probably snuck into my room at some point as well. So, you know much more about me than you make it look."

I couldn't get a single word out of myself. It'd been a mistake untying him - now, he could easily overpower me and get the hell out of my house. I wouldn't blame him.

"Sakura." He purred my name and I suddenly felt his warm skin against my own. He gripped my chin between his index finger and the tip of his thumb, lifting my head up. I was shocked when I saw he was smiling. No, smirking, like the Cheshire Cat. His icy blue eyes were slightly shining, the raven-black strands of his hair casting lines of shadows on his forehead.

"Calm down." He reassured me, "I don't think any less of you. Actually, scratch that, I didn't really know what to think of you until now. So, let me rephrase that... I understand."

I was shocked by his reaction... I thought I knew him, turned out I had no idea what he was like. Yes, I was familiar with his regular schedule, favorite things, friends, and so on, but not his personality. At least, I couldn't predict what he was going to be like around me.

"Alex..." I breathed, a small smile on my face but he wouldn't let me speak. "I'm... amazed that someone as gorgeous as you could be so obsessed with someone like me. You being a yandere doesn't bother me."

I brushed his hand away, narrowing my eyes and he blinked in surprise. "Then what does bother you?" I questioned him. I wasn't at all surprised that he wasn't extremely enthusiastic. It would take time for him to truly get used to me, I knew that. "Alex, thank you for being understanding. It's going to take some time before we can fully trust each other, right?" He nodded, and I took that as a cue to continue, "So, maybe you can start by telling me what IS bothering you."

"Alright..." Alex muttered, blinking a few times before he met my gaze again. "Sakura, I'm worried about people I know and care for, especially my friends. I know that this is something you don't like to hear, but please, listen to me. I just... I want to know that my friends are safe."

Well, that was much better than what I'd expected. Fortunately, all of Alex's friends were straight males and so was he, so they were not romance rivals. He spent only about one day a week hanging out with them, so it wasn't like they were extremely close and could steal him from me. I did feel threatened by them though... Their names were on my kill list. But seeing how worried Alex looked, I decided I could scratch them off.

"You have my word." I reassured him, "Your friends are safe." Alex sighed in relief, smiling. "Thank you." He breathed. And before I knew it, he wrapped a strong arm around my waist, placed a hand on the back of my head, and kissed me.

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