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~Keith's POV~
I didn't sleep at all after I learned Lance is the blue paladin. I will be working alongside him, for some reason, when I think of that, my stomach seems to twirl.

Before I know it, the alarm goes off, like it did yesterday. Lance wakes up and goes into the bathroom, I hear the shower running. I debate about calling Shiro or Allura to tell them how Lance is the blue paladin.

I decide not to, until we find out if Pidge and Hunk are paladins as well. I put on the clothes I wore yesterday.

The door opens and Veronica walks in, "Tell Lance to hurry up. Today I have to pick up Acxa." She says.

"Okay." I say, not knowing who or what Acxa is.

I open the bathroom door and cover my eyes with my arm when I see Lance with nothing but a towel covering him. I feel my entire face go red,  "Your sister says hurry up, she's picking up Acxa." I say.

"Knock before you come in next time!" He almost yells as I back out of the bathroom.

He comes out dressed, I'm still red. I didn't know he wasn't dressed.

"Okay, well lets go now that we're ready." He says.

I nod, I can't believe I did that. Ugh, why did I do that? I grab the book bag and the separate small yellow and green bags.

I get in the car but this time Lance sits in the back beside me. As soon as we buckle our seat belts Veronica starts driving.

"Someone's excited to see their girlfriend," Lance says teasingly.

"Okay, please tell me what the quiznack a girlfriend or boyfriend are, how are they different from regular friends?" I ask loudly.

Lance doesn't answer but his face goes a little pink. Veronica stops outside of a house and a girl who looks about her age with short hair gets in the front seat. Veronica leans over and kisses the girl.

Ohh, that must be what a boyfriend or girlfriend is, like a mate. The girl, who I figure is Acxa turns around. She fist bumps Lance and faces me.

"You must be Keith," she points at me, "Veronicas told me about you." I get worried, does she know I'm Galra? She waves her hand in front of my face. "Why you staring? Wait, are you homophobic or something?" She glares when asking this.

What? I tilt my head, oh! I forgot what homophobia was, humans are weird. "No, definitely not. What has she told you about me?"

"Well how you're a bit strange, but cool, and how cute she thinks you and Lance- OW!" Lance punches her arm, his face red.

"Really Veronica?!" He yells at her.

Veronica and Acxa laugh, "Dude, I've known you for a while. I know that face anywhere." Acxa says to Lance.

His face gets even more red, "No, that's just embarrassing." He replies, I have no idea what they're talking about.

We stop outside the school, and I follow Lance out the car. "I'm so sorry about them." He says rubbing his face.

"It's fine, honestly I don't understand a lot of human things. No clue what you guys were talking about. I even forgot you guys have homophobia."

His eyes narrow in confusion, "You don't?" He asks.

"No, every species has people who love people of the same gender. It's normal, in some species they can even mate and reproduce with the same sex. Humans are the only creatures I know that homophobia exists in."

"Wow, that kinda makes me wish I weren't human." He chuckles, "Well lets find Pidge and Hunk."

They're in the same place they were yesterday, and Pidge looks up at us when we walk over. 

Before we make it over some random kid grabs the green bag. "Give that back," I deadpan.

"Or what?" He says with a mocking face, "Well, lets see what's in here."

I smirk, "Go ahead, be my guest."

He tries to open the bag, but nothing happens, he glares at it and tries a few more times. He gives up and tries to rip the bag, but nothing happens again.

A bunch of people start laughing at him, his face pink with embarrassment. "I didn't want to know what was in your stupid bag anyway."

"Okay, lets see the bags." She holds out her hand.

I lay the green one in her hand and give Hunk the yellow one. Sure enough, both bags open. 

The  guy who tried stealing the bag stares wide eyed at Pidge, "How did she open it that easily, I must've loosened it." He sulks away.

"Great!" I say happily, turning back to the three friends I've made, "That makes my job easier, and all of you have to come with me when Allura comes."

"Into space?" Hunk asks and I nod.

"I've always loved space, this is gonna be awesome!" Lance says excitedly.

"Just saying, you'll have to explain you're human and not Altean a lot." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes, "Is there not a certain age you have to be to be a paladin?" Hunk asks me.

"No, I mean, I'm sixteen so I don't think so."

"You're sixteen? That means Im older than you, Hunk and I are seventeen," Lance says.

"Is that supposed to be an accomplishment?" I ask and he nods.

"Well I think it's an accomplishment to be sent to save the universe when you're only fifteen." Pidge says.

Lance starts arguing with her, but with almost everything he says, she says something he obviously doesn't understand.

"Well, I have to call Allura and Shiro and tell them I've found the other paladins." I say when the bell rings.

"You'll be late to class," Lance argues.

I glare at him, "What matters more, the time I get to a math class where I already know everything being taught, or the fate of the universe!" I say with a glare, and walk into the same secluded area where I answered Allura's call yesterday.

I call her on the communicator. She picks up, "Hello Keith, aren't you at that place called high school?" She asks.

"Yes, but get Shiro, I need to tell you this." She does and when they're both there I say, "I've found them, all three. Pidge, Hunk and Lance. They are the other paladins."

Allura's eyes widen and she says, "Picking up speed, we'll be there in about 12 to 13 varga."

"I'll have the three of them ready to leave by then. Land at the point of most energy, thats where my ship crashed and it would be the best place to land.

I hang up the call and run inside and to the classroom I had math in yesterday.

When I come in the teacher glares at me. "Keith, you're making a bad impression on me. Sit down." She says sternly.

I do as she says but when she turns her back I lean over and whisper to Lance, "Allura and Shiro will be landing where I crashed at about this time tomorrow.

He nods and whispers back, "We'll tell Pidge and Hunk at lunch."

Hidden Book 1: Earth (Klance)Where stories live. Discover now