The Ripple Effect

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Where love once was but it's faded away – GHOST TOWN

I watch as the new kid walks into class. I watch as he settles into the chair the teacher has just asked him to sit in. I watch as he walks past me. I watch as he smiles at the other kid next to him and I watch, and watch, and watch until he looks up and shows me a toothy grin. It catches me off guard and I squeal and turn around like a little girl with a crush–which is exactly what I am.


His name is Miles. He likes to smile. He smiles at everyone. He smiles at M.s Fisher, at Mr. Gibson and even snarky little M.s Ellis. I think he's a sunshine. Because only the sun can be that bright and sweet. Everyone in class likes him. 'Everyone' mostly consists of the girls. They gather at his table after lunchtime and ask him random questions. I wish I was like the other girls. I wish I was brave enough to walk up to him and introduce myself. Mom says I'll get over this awkward little phase I'm having. I hope to do so soon. I'd like to meet this ball of sunshine and have him smile at me again. I'd like to say “Hi. I'm Starr. You have a nice smile and you remind me of the sun.”
And I'd hope he gets the humour out of it because we both shine.


A new family moves into the empty house next to ours. I hope they're nicer than the last neighbours. The last ones were loud and rude and used swear words a lot. I had to start using earmuffs during the summer because mom didn't want me hearing such bad words. I hated it.

I'm in the kitchen with mom and my sister when the doorbell rings. I don't make an attempt to go open the door. I try to avoid interacting with people if I can. Charlotte goes to open the door and my mom follows closely behind.

It's a tall pretty woman and the boy who smiles is right next to her! It's Miles who smiles! My eyes smile back at him and I think he recognizes me from school. He waves.

I run back into the kitchen. I don't know what mom talks about with them but she comes back smiling. She says they're the ones who moved in next door. I smile. I smile because now I get to see more of Miles.


During lunch at school the next day, Miles walks up to me and stretches his lips. I think I turn an embarrassing shade of crimson. Every girl in class is looking at me now. He stretches out his hand and says, “Hi. I'm Miles. I heard you're Starr. You have a pretty name.

I get upset briefly. Because I can't relay the joke I'd thought up yesterday when I was thinking of introducing myself to him. The anger soon simmers down anyway and I realise his hand is still stretched out before me. I warily take it in mine and he shakes it in a firm handshake. My eyes widen but I remain mute.

I noticed you don't talk much,” He says. “But that's okay. Chatty people can be a bit annoying sometimes. I'll do all the talking for us. Let's be friends.

I merely blink at him while he releases his grip on my hand. He sits opposite me and smiles once more. I don't do anything. I don't say anything. Then I grab my ham and cheese sandwich and take a huge bite.


His name is Miles Bryant. He's got the personality of SpongeBob. Squarepants and all that. He reminds me of rainbows and sunshine. And I'll never forget the day he walked into the fourth grade and showed me his toothy grin. The day he appeared on my front porch with his mother and the day he said it was perfectly okay that I didn't talk much.

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