13 - It's Complicated

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Come out and haunt me, I know you want me-Apocalypse.

"Elizabeth is such a prude." Morgan groans flicking through the script in her hand. "I mean, seriously? Do you not see how badly he likes you."

Her gaze flickers to mine for a second when she says this.

I ignore her. Not today, Morgan. Not today.

Although, I'm smiling to myself and constantly touching my hair, I refuse to satiate Morgan's obsession with me and Miles. I didn't understand Miles and I as it stood, nobody else needed to be in on the clueless loop.

I pull open my locker and begin to grab my books from it when a familiar voice sounds next to me. I'm yet to chance a glance when Morgan groans loudly and accompanies that with a sigh.

"Are you trying to socially murder me?" She strangles out and I peek round my locker at Aiden.

His hair is disheveled, sticking in about forty different directions and the large hoodie he's got on looks about the prettiest piece of clothing I've seen on a guy today. He has his gaze fixed on Morgan with his palm flattened against the locker next to her head. I can't tell if he's just really focused or really mad with the way his brows are furrowed but I do know he's looking at her like he doesn't intend on looking away anytime soon.

"I think you'd be socially dead by now considering how much time you've been spending in my space." He shoots back at Morgan.

I ignore them and continue sorting through my books.

"Your space?" I hear Morgan scoff. "Says the guy who's quite literally taking up all the air right now. Fuck off right now, would you, you big idiot."

I wish I knew the history to go with these two but honestly, I couldn't give anything up if I wanted to. I think they just enjoy being at each others' neck. I think they have fun with it. Enjoy teasing and taunting the other. I'm pretty sure Morgan secretly likes Aiden, a lot.

I finish up with the exchange from my locker and slam it shut, coming face to face with Morgan, now in Aiden's pretty hoodie and him, now in a cool white t-shirt next to her, skimming through what looked like a script in his hands.

How had I tuned them out so much to miss the whole odd exchange?

"Oh, hey Starr," Aiden says briefly glancing up to look at me. "You okay?"

I nod. "Yeah. You?"

"I'm grand," he responds, sparing a glance in Morgan's direction. "Your hair looks nice today." He says with a grimace.

Consciously, I reach up and touch one of the two buns of hair I'd struggled to pin up this morning due to the volume of hair on my head and smile at Aiden. "Thank you. Um...yours too?"

Morgan snickers next to him. "Don't try and flatter him Starr, he looks crazy with his hair like that." She then proceeds to place her fingers in his hair and ruffle, making it even worse than what he'd started with.

"Morgan Reed, you psycho of a girl!" Aiden gapes, dropping the script he'd been studying, lunging for Morgan's hair instead.

I watch in horror as they both ruffle each others' hair and then became absolutely dumbfounded when they end up in a tickle match on the floor with Morgan straddling Aiden, her fingers all over his sides.

The students passing by give them odd looks and I consistently pretend not to be involved with them by diverting my attention elsewhere and taking slow steps away from them.

"Would you guys please stop?" I hiss through my teeth when I could not deal anymore.

I might as well be talking to a wall with how Aiden did nothing but flip Morgan over so he was the one hovering now with his fingers digging into her stomach. I couldn't imagine these two as kids. Nothing is more childish than this.

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