14 - Are You Attempting Nicknames?

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Just for your love, I'll give you the world-All For Us.

Morgan snuck me into practice. I wish I was talking about homework practice right now, that would be much more terrific than this. I'm crouched behind one of the couple of rows at the back of the school theatre, constantly peeking out so I can actually see her practice but also looking out for the drama teacher so I don't get my cheeks flaming in front of the entire cast of my high school's Pride and Prejudice.

I've seen Morgan and Aiden do the scene where Darcy decides he can't keep his feelings to himself anymore and must let Elizabeth know how ardently he admires and loves her.

I don't think the school could have chosen better leads. Their chemistry is off the charts. Quite literally.

Colton looks good and quite sheepish but really adorable when he's acting. He's supposed to be a cunning character but really, when he attempts Wickham, I can't help but feel a bit of unwarranted remorse for the character because of the way Colton embodies him.

Practice finally comes to an end and I creep my way up the side of the stairs and hopefully, stealthily out the large double doors of the school theatre.

Aiden whizzes past me then, a small greeting of acknowledgement passing his lips.

I wait for Morgan for about twenty minutes before she shows up, a hefty bag on her shoulder and a bottle of water held up against her mouth.

"King," she breathes through her nose, capping the bottle of water once she's done. "Ready for pizza?"

"Whenever you are, Reed."

"It's pizza, I'm alwa-" She halts mid sentence and begins patting herself down. "Fucking idiot. I'm going to kill him."

I pause, confusion creeping over me. "What's wrong?"

"Aiden's got my phone."

"Why does he-"

"It's a long story," She sighs. "I mean, I guess a mediumly detailed one but still. Now, come on."

My brows dig in deeper now. "Uh...where are we going?"

She groans and exaggerates rolling her eyes. "The gym. We'll be a second."

Questioning my social interactions that had led me to where I was right now for the day, I sigh and trail after Morgan into the giant school gym.

I immediately regret it because the basketball team seem to be finishing up with practice and it's filled with about a dozen teenage guys and a seething middle aged man. Through my frenzied panic attack, I manage to snag Miles' number 22 as he drank from a giant transparent water bottle.

"Archer!" Morgan bellows, drawing the attention of a dozen testosterone buzzing teenage guys. She ignores them and bounds towards Aiden, who is stood next to Miles.

Miles watches Morgan, which causes him to notice me. When his eyes land on mine, I awkwardly shift my gaze elsewhere and start assessing the large gym instead.

A couple of seconds later and the air around me is thick with the smell of sweat and male cologne. His cologne.

"You're still in school," he says. I don't look at him. I look anywhere but at him. "That's odd. Are you hungry?"

My eyes dart to his at the unexpected question but then drop to his sweat filled jersey when I meet his hard, unyielding stare. "Why? Do you plan on feeding me?" My retort is meant to be snarky but it comes out a bit wrong and sounds messy instead.

"Do you want me to feed you?" He asks, leaning a bit too close for me to have coherent thoughts.

Pushing my arms out, I step back and shake my head. "I'm going for pizza with Morgan."

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