10 - Not With Her

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Ain't nothing please me more than you-Home.


I slowly pry my eyes open, much too lazily due to the extreme exercises Beau-a teammate of mine-had taunted me into doing last evening. The early morning sunrise spills through my blinds, reflecting off my pale walls and directly across my face. A routine I've become accustomed to-this gives me the much required energy to get out of bed and approach my window. I'm about to pull it shut when I hear her shriek. My heart immediately plummets in my chest. My fingers reach out and widen the blinds contrary to my initial actions. My eyes instinctively find a hair full of curls and the tiny girl underneath it.


Releasing a breath, I retrieve my fingers from the blinds so I'm not caught gawking at her like a stalker. My mom giving me the room directly adjacent to the view of their house was the best thing ever at some point. Now, it tortures me so much that some days I want to seal off ventilation if it means I'd have a lot more self control.

I watch as she banters with her sister, Charlotte whilst setting herself on the hood of Charlotte's car. Charlotte attempts to pry her off her car but fails miserably which causes a shriek to erupt from Starr. The shriek blows up into tiny little giggles and huge barks of laughter then.

My hair falls into my eyes, obstructing my view of her and I brush it backwards with my fingers, mentally reminding myself to get it cut but knowing I'd forget anyway.

She gets off the car at some point and pats her jeans before turning to look at my house. In the direction of my room-my window. I pull the blinds shut before she sees me and stumble out of my room.

"Why do you look happy this morning?" Kayla asks, when I spot her in the kitchen.

My brows raise then and I dig my teeth into my bottom lip. I didn't realise I had been smiling. It was a shit-eating grin too.


"She did what?" I'm unable to explain how I find the voice to ask this. I'm currently brimming with so much anger I'm surprised I don't explode.

Aiden tries to shrug it off. Like this was something that didn't matter. Maybe some things didn't matter. But this did.

My fingers clench tighter against my notepads and I lock and unlock my jaw multiple times to try to soothe myself but there really wasn't getting through to me when it came to things like these. It just made me insane because I didn't give her up for anyone else to treat her like shit.

Brushing my hair back with my fingers, I stalk my way towards the direction of Starr's locker. She's there-thank fuck for that-with the redhead I notice she's always hanging about with. I do not intend to get into my issues with Morgan today. Not when Starr had ran over to my house, caused a splinter in my heart when she cried and not told me anything when I asked her what was wrong.

Morgan notices me first and tries to alert Starr about it but she's not quick enough. I pull on Starr's wrist and lead us both into the closet a few feet away.

She looks up at me, those big, brown eyes doing things to me no one could ever imagine or think up, and then drops her gaze, leveling it with the floor instead.

"What happened yesterday?" I ask, placing my hand on the shelf above her head to steady myself. I stare down at her but she still refuses to meet my gaze.

My God...was it okay to have skin this pretty?

"What are you talking about?" She chances a brief look. "That's a vague question."

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