7 - Kace & Hari

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With Hari next to me, we try our best to remain unbothered by all the students obviously watching us. Since Cato and Kace are also trailing behind, it doesn't make it any better, as they seem to bring more bad than good.

Trying my best not to get annoyed at Avery's words, I take some deep breaths in - and remind myself that he is not real. He is an otome game love interest who's also a "tsundere" and probably a douche overall, programmed by the developers of the game. Plus, this high school would never be real in a million years - and someone like me would also never be able to attend it.

My eyes move down to my tray, and I suddenly realize that the pizza and cookie still remain in one piece - meaning I forgot to eat it. Uh oh, how long has it been since we've arrived at the cafeteria? I don't want to go to my next period and hear my stomach being possessed by a demon.

I quickly pick up my pizza slice and start munching on it, aware that Hari is looking at me once again.

"You haven't eaten your lunch yet, Y/n?" She asks, staring at the pizza being stuffed into my mouth with a small, almost hesitant smile. Nodding, I reply when after swallowing.

"Mmhm, I forgot." Someone chuckles behind us, and it sounds a bit like Cato. Kace probably said something funny, I think. He doesn't exactly look like he has an inner crackhead inside though - but I haven't even started his route yet, so I could be wrong. Actually, on the topic of routes, which ones have I completed already?

I force my brain to remember, but for some reason - nothing comes out of it.

The hell, am I too low on brain cells or something? What's wrong with my memory? How come I remember the personalities and backgrounds of the love interests, but I can't remember the choices or moments the heroine has with the male leads?

"Oh my, it wouldn't be good to enter class with an empty stomach," The white-haired boy suddenly says - loud enough for me to hear over the random chattering. "Make sure to finish as much as you can before class starts, Y/n."

Trying to move the topic of my weird memory to the back of my head, I glance over my shoulder and see that Cato is smiling at me gently. I stop in my tracks and automatically grin back too, a habit of mine. But wow - I'm surprised by his kind words. What a fitting line for a male lead!

"Thanks for worrying, but I just got distracted by Av- I mean, the boy from this morning." I reply, purposefully stop myself from saying the tsundere's name. After all, none of them know who Avery is, and I'm afraid Hari would have asked me how I knew his name.

"Oh, the boy you were sitting and talking with?" Cato asks, and I nod in response. He stays silent for a few seconds before speaking up again.

"Um, did you two get into a fight?" The white-haired boy asks me - almost hesitantly, and Hari looks at him and then at me. Wow, he spends no time beating around the bush. Even Kace is staring at me for an answer, and I quickly look away and avoid eye contact with the three of them. Huh, I'm pretty sure they heard some of the loud students talk about Avery and I insulting each other. It actually would be weird if they didn't pick up the whispers.

"Well, I guess? We sorta just insulted each other a few times before Hari came over." Hearing her name, the heroine of the otome game joins in the conversation.

"Huh? He insulted you, Y/n?" Hari asks, and I turn to my left to look at her. She's visibly trying to hide her anger, as her eyebrows keep twitching almost. Whoops, maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. I quickly force a laugh and nod, trying to seem carefree about it.

"Yeah, haha. But don't worry, I made sure to retort with some insults of my own~. Don't worry about it." Hari stares at me before eventually smiling and buying what I said. Actually, I'm pretty sure she didn't - but she just doesn't want to make me talk about it if I don't. Cato and Kace don't bother saying anything, and my hands take another bite of the pizza, while our legs keep moving.

Her Reverse Harem (R.Harem x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon