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 A/N- I'm deeply sorry for the mix-up. I posted chapter two as chapter four in the last update.
Here is Chapter four.
So sorry about that.
Enjoy 🥂

"Please ma, Mason and I can't be partners. We'll kill each other before the project is over, everyone knows how we get." I pleaded with Mrs Levinson in her office for the upteemth time.

"Hailey, I also know and so does everyone that you and Mason are good friends regardless of how you guys argue. Don't also forget that apart from being your teacher, I'm also your mom's close friend. Whenever I come around, I've seen how your eyes light up whenever your parents invite Mason and his mom over for dinner. Your eyes obviously don't light up because of his mom, am I right?" She asked jokingly.

"You may never know, maybe I'm into moms now." I joked back.
She smiled and continued talking, "Jokes apart, I paired you with Mason 'cause I think he's the only one that can break the walls you've brought up to keep everyone away. Your mom told me that you no longer have dinner with them. She also..." She was saying when I interrupted her.
I scoffed and said, "Yeah, Hailey is now a charity case. I'm just dying not dead yet, so no one should talk behind my back when I'm still breathing. I consider that as very rude and disrespectful," I then started mimicking my mom's voice and making gestures like she'll do, "Hailey doesn't eat with us anymore, Hailey is always in her room, Hailey this and Hailey that. You all should give me a break! I think I deserve it, after all I'm dying anyways." I finished breathing heavily.

"Hailey Harper! You will not speak of your mom that way! Not in my presence! Do I make myself clear?" Mrs Levinson yelled at me. Honestly, I have never seen her lose her cool, and honestly it scared me.

I nodded meekly as I bent my head. I just wanted a change of partner, when did it turn to a shouting match and spilling of issues?

Mrs Levinson placed her hand on my shoulder lightly, "Hailey, I've known you from the moment you were given birth to you. I was there in the theater when your mom held you for the first time, I saw the smile on her face. You're a light in her life Hailey, she's just scared of losing you. She really cares about you."

"Then why do I feel that everyone is pushing me to do the surgery? I did chemotherapy when I was twelve and I barely survived. It felt horrible and everytime I wished to die. Now that the cancer is back, should I also fight it again? And risk what? It coming back again? Is this how I truly want to live the rest of my life?" I questioned no one in particular.

"That is a choice for you to make. I just want you to live your life so that you don't have regrets on your death bed. You won't wish that you lived your life instead of wallowing in pity."
"I feel like everyone is thinking I'm wallowing in pity but honestly I'm not. I've come to the terms of my illness, I just feel it's everyone that hasn't come to the terms of it. Everyday my mom thinks I don't notice but everytime I come down the stairs to maybe go to school or get something from the fridge in the kitchen, my mom's hawk eyes follows me. She thinks that I've started cutting," I paused and scoffed, "It's for that reason I've been keeping my distance. I'm not sad like people think I am." I finished.

Mrs Levinson shook her head and asked, "But the questions are, Are you truly happy? Are you truly living your life? When you are finally ready to leave this world, will you leave in peace or in regret? Can you truly say you live a fulfilled life?"

And for the first time since I started speaking with Mrs Levinson, I didn't have an answer to her questions 'cause I wasn't really sure. Am I truly living my life?

"See, even you have doubts. Hailey I wouldn't have paired you with Mason if I wasn't sure. I know that both of you will be good partners. Besides Mason already insisted that he doesn't want a change of partner. I believe you have a class now, so go on. I believe we'll talk later and hopefully it won't be about this 'cause my mind is already made up on this issue." She said obviously declaring our conversation over.

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