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A/N- Hello Wednesday 😊 Guess who came bearing an update?
Enjoy 🥂

"Heavenly Father we at your presence today, we hope that you bless this food and provide for people who can't afford it. In Christ name I have prayed. Amen."
"Amen." My parents chorused as we all opened our eyes and started eating.

The week has been as normal as it can be. I have returned to school and my friends are still treating me as normal as possible. Brie still cringes anytime I and Scar slam her car door. We still tease each other and still do everything we used to do everyday.
Today I decided to have dinner with my parents for two major reasons, one, I want to unite us together in prayer as a family and what better way to do it than dinner, two, I want to tell them about I and Mason's two weeks trip.

"So mom and dad," I started as soon as we were done with our dessert, "I have written a list of what I really want to do and some of them are not in this country. Is it alright if I traveled to do them? Plus, I've already gotten permission from school. So you wouldn't have to bother about that."

My dad furrowed his brows and asked, "You'll be going alone? Isn't that you know... Risky?" Concern was written all over his face.
I scoffed and smiled, "You both know that I have always had a plus one since I was twelve. Mason decided to tag along."
Mom and Dad then made the 'ahhh, okay. All good.' sound.

"Welllll..." Mom drawled and then continued, "Since Mason decided to tag along, it's fine. We were just worried that nobody will be able to monitor you, you know, in case of any minor complication. You are free to go and just know that we," She said, gesturing at her and my dad, "are happy that you're doing this. You need to be out there and claiming the world and having fun, not idling around and moping."

"One, you are the only parents that will let their daughter go if a guy is following her. What if I go and wind up pregnant? Two, I don't mope around. I attend school, last I checked, school activities is not moping around," I turned to look at the both of them and asked, "What sort of parents call going to school moping around?"
My dad smiled and said, "You're behind the trend Hailey. We are the 'cool and unconventional' type of parents."

I burst into laughter 'cause in case you haven't noticed, my dad isn't one for words. That is usually my mom's fort, so I wasn't expecting my dad to say something like that.
"Whatever floats your boat Dad... Whatever floats your boat." I said when my laughter dwindled.
My dad simply smiled at me. I can certainly say it anywhere that I love my family. My only regret is that I'm not going to be with them for long.

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"So this was when Mason decided he was into ballet and no matter how I tried to dissuade him, he still refused." Mason's mom smiled fondly as she pointed out a picture of Mason in a tutu.

I smiled as I took a picture of it with my mini camera. This picture is so going into the assignment video. We have decided to kill two birds with one stone. Any event we witness in each other's life, we either take a picture or make a video of it. Then we'll compile it together and submit it as our project. So before we'll think I'm being mean to Mason by adding a picture of his tutu baby picture, it's all for the success of our project. Okay, I'm lying, I just like being mean to him.

Should you wonder if Mason is in on this, the answer is, no. Which is why he's by the corner of the room glaring at his mom and I.
"The way you enjoy knowing embarrassing stuffs about me makes me wonder if we are really friends." Mason said while staring at me grudgingly.

Fighting For Mason(COMPLETED) (✔️)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें