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A/N- Say a prayer for Lebanon. #Pray4Lebanon.                                                                   

"Hey, are you ready to go to school?" Mason yelled from his balcony.

I shook my head and picked up my phone to ring him up. He picked up almost immediately that just proved that his phone was close by.

"You know you can just pick up the phone and ask me whatever you want right? Like how normal people do." I said immediately he picked up.
Mason chuckled, honestly his chuckle is becoming my best sound.

"Where's is the fun in that Hails?" He asked.
"Well, you're probably bugging your mom and maybe my parents?" I added the last part with a doubt. I honestly doubt my parents are around. They've been extraordinarily busy since my diagnosis. I can't blame them 'cause everyone has a way of dealing with pain, maybe this was theirs. Work so hard that you come back so tired that all you want to do is to eat and crash on your bed, then leave the house before the first light and come back late, and the cycle continues.

"Well, my mom laughed when I hollered from our balcony. She always calls our friendship 'The balcony friendship' and for your last question, your parents aren't around. I saw them leave really early this morning. If you ask me, their extremely busy these days. Is everything alright?" He asked, his voice laced with concern.
"Everything is fine. Work or something probably has them." I sighed tiredly offering the classic reply of 'everything is fine' even though everything is belly up.

"Okay." He replied. If he noticed something was off, he didn't say anything and I truly appreciated that he didn't.
"I should ask her? Okay... I will." He hollered at someone, possibly his mom.

"Hey, my mom said I should ask which do you prefer on your toast, Jam or peanut butter? She keeps asking like your weird choice of peanut butter will change one day. You and I both know that it won't. So just for formalities, Peanut butter or Jam?" He asked like he was using all his lifeline to ask, hoping that for once, I'll probably say something different.

"I'm going to surprise you today and say Jam. I want Jam on my toast." I said.
"I'm sorry... What? Did I hear you right?" He gasped.
"Yeah... I'm suddenly really feeling spontaneous."
"Mom! She said Jam! Finally!" He yelled from his bedroom. I removed the phone from my ear so that he doesn't make me deaf.
"It's just Jam, Mason. I didn't say something special." I chuckled. When you are with Mason, you can't help the positive energy that just flows.

"Well, since you are feeling so spontaneous today, what do you say about hitching a ride with me to school today?"
"On your motorcycle?" My eyes widened slightly.
"Yeah... On my motorcycle. So what do you say huh?" He pressed.
"Ehhh... I think I'll pass. You know I hitch a ride with the girls."
Mason groaned, "Come on Hails, you've been giving the same excuse since I got my bike. The girls won't feel bad if you hitch a ride with me for a day."
"But..." I was saying when he interrupted me, "You can tell me if you're scared or anything?" He said playing his triumph card. Everyone who knows me know that I hate admitting I'm scared even though I am. I would never admit it 'cause I feel like admitting it is a recipe for admitting I'm weak.

"I'm not scared one bit. I'll go to school with you if you'll stop whining like a little girl."
Mason not minding my last statement one bit did a fist pump and said, "Yeah... I totally knew you were going to agree. So be ready in fifteen minutes, so we can have breakfast and my mom would stop whining in my ear about me keeping you on the phone." He said, and I heard his mom yell at the background 'I don't whine, Mason Lightning' He chuckled and ended the call.

I shot a quick text to the girls on our group chat on hangouts, Brie was like it's fine but Scar being Scar, said we should get lots of smooching before we get to school. It's just a ride to school not a date for goodness sake. I don't even know what to do with Scarlett sometimes. We just accept her as she is simply because she's an entire package.

I finished preparing for school in ten minutes and locked my house door. And no, we don't keep our house key under the flower pot. No offense to people who do it but that's the most cliche thing ever. Really, 'cause if I was a criminal and I wanted to easily break into the house, that'll definitely be the first place I'll check.
I knocked on the door and it wasn't long before Mason's mom opened the door.

"Hailey dear, I've told you countless number of times that you should have the spare key." She said hugging me and kissing my cheeks. Mason's mom is a huge softie and she definitely forgives easily. For someone who pushed her son off the stairs five years ago, she's really nice to me. After pushing Mason off the stairs and we reconciling that night over the balcony. I went the next day to apologize to her, but she waved it off like one swatting a fly off. She told me it didn't matter and asked me if I wanted lasagna.

"I don't want to intrude ma'am." I said hugging her back.
"Nonsense and please stop calling me ma'am. I surely don't look that old." She said striking a pose that had both of us laughing.
"I always knew you loved Hailey more than you love me and I'm your son. Plus, remember she pushed me off the stairs. You don't dine with the enemy that quickly..It's a rule mom." Mason said coming down the stairs. When he got down he kissed his mom on her forehead.

"Masey dear... I love you but if you are going to keep asking who I love between you and Hailey, I'm afraid the choice wouldn't be you dear." She patted his shoulder lightly and went back to the kitchen.
Mason shot me an evil glare. I raised my hands in surrender.
"I didn't do anything." I said barely holding my laughter.
"This is why I don't like you coming to my house. You and my mom always team up against me." Mason grumbled as he went to the dining room.
"You invited me dear." I chuckled.
"Well, I am regretting it or can't a guy regret in peace anymore?" He asked, then continued eating his toast.

I ignored whining Mason and continue eating my toast. I got to admit, Jam isn't that bad but I wouldn't be leaving my peanut butter anytime soon.
I finished my tea and stood up ready to go. Mason had already finished ten minutes ago, so he was only waiting for me.

"Hey Mom, we're done with breakfast. We'll be leaving for school now." Mason called out to his mom.
His mom came out of the kitchen to bid us bye.

"Thanks so much for the breakfast Cecilia. I truly appreciate it." I smiled widely.
"It's no problem dear. You are welcome anytime and stop being a stranger," I wagged her fingers at me, "It's not only Mason that deserves to be seeing your face. Come over so we can make fun of Mason's baby pictures over a glass of smoothie or a cup of ice-cream. Okay?" She pecked my cheeks as she asked.
I nodded my head in affirmation but Mason didn't seem to think so.

"She wouldn't be coming here mom. I'll make sure of that 'cause I still want to keep my reputation." He concluded and hurriedly dragged me out of the house before his mom or I could say anything.
"That was rude Masey." I teased.
"If you keep calling me that, I'm going to leave you here and go off to school."

I narrowed my eyes, "You wouldn't dare. I know you can't do that."
Mason shook his head, "The things I can't do simply because it's you."
I smiled triumphantly. I knew he would not do that to me.
He climbed his bike and handed me his extra helmet. I kind of fumbled with it cluelessly, so he came down and helped me with it before he climbed back on. I followed suit and held him on his stomach.

"Are you ready Hails for the ride of your life?" He asked as he started his bike.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied.
As Mason moved and I felt the air whish past me. I felt free for the first time in many years.

From that moment, I knew I was on the path of finding peace of mind and trust me when I say, it felt really good.

A/N- As the world is in turmoil, may we all find peace of mind.

Till the next update,

Fighting For Mason(COMPLETED) (✔️)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora