Chapter Four

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He called me Reena.

The little nickname made my chest squeeze. Earlier I think my anger and frustration may have tipped. I was sad, frustrated, and lonely. To be honest I think I was taken aback by Steven and Alana swooping right back into my life. In less then a day, haha.

"Mareena how does this taste.", Alana shouts holding a spoonful of the Italian cream cheese buttercream to my lips. I taste it and smile. "It's scrumptious Lanawana" She smiles and goes back to the countertop.

I was a little shocked when I saw all her baking equipment. They all looked very expensive. When I first met Alana and Steven I noticed that they had money but this house looks expensive and their things look expensive.

The timer rings and I quickly take the cakes out of the oven. The ruby colored cake look and smells yummy. We decided to bake a red velvet cake from scratch. Flour splashes,batter smears, and a lot of giggles later we go

While the cakes cool we decide to go bother Steven who is playing with the dogs. As we approach him he looks to be very concentrated and the dogs are both sitting on their hind legs looking like guard dogs.

Steven hold his hand old and I see that it's covered in some big bulky cast. What in the fool is he doing. The dogs stare silently at the cast as if their waiting for instruction.

"Attack" The one word command sends the dogs jumping up and biting down harshly on the arm cast. Steven wiggles his arm and they continue to latch on growling.

"Release" they immediately let go and return to their former sitting position. He rubs their heads and throws 2 bacon treats on the the ground.

"What did you do!" I shout shocked. Steven turns around and smirks at me sending chills up my spine. "I started teaching Louie when he was a puppy. Ellie has a natural knack for a guarding", I nod and smile.

"Mareena the cakes are cool!" I rush into the kitchen and we begin trimming, stacking, and icing the cake. A little while later the cake is all iced and smoothed out with a little icing swagger. Alana actually is an excellent baker and I truly enjoyed seeing her face light up.

We cut a piece for Steven and bring it to him smiling cheekily. "Stevie look! We finished the cake!", Alana squeals. He flashes a smile her way and I think my heart melted— figuratively of course. He looked so charming and handsome when he smiled, flashing those straight pearly white teeth.

He takes the plate and takes a bite out of the cake. He chews once and halts staring blankly ahead. I frown thinking something is wrong with the cake. Before I say something he devours the cake rapidly and holds out the plate. "Another one please.", he says gruffly.

I smile at him in amusement and he chuckles nervously. Alana claps her chubby hands and giggles.

A couple of slices of cake later we all are sitting in the living room watching Wonder. Alana seems to tear up watching the movie and my heart squeezes. She's such a beautiful person and I think she should know that.

Looking at the Tv I realize it's about a 55 inch smart Tv. That reminds me of what I was thinking about earlier. I turn my body towards Steven and stare at the side of his face.

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