Chapter Eleven

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"Mr. Tulo please! I need to feed my baby! Please don't fire me!", Yasmin pleads.

Mareena watches on as the woman she remembers gave her the groceries begged a big boned gruff looking man.

There were no other customers in the store so Yasmín and her boss don't realize that Steven, Mareena, and Alana are standing there watching the scene unfold.

He tosses her off harshly as she yanked on his forearm with tears flowing down her cheeks. She staggers backwards trying to catch her balance before she bumps into the stroller.

"No! You've been coming in late and that baby has been disturbing my customers with her crying!", he shouts. A full and long beard covers his face so his pink lips appear to be poking out of the big bush of hair.

He pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and shoves it harshly into the girl's chest. She looks down at it with her teardrops falling onto the white paper.

Her thick curly hair covers her face as she weeps. Her babysitter couldn't watch her daughter so she had to bring her to work.

She barely makes enough money to put a warm plate of food on the table everyday. She's trying her to best to provide for herself and her daughter in a honest way.

Many times people told her to become a prostitute or an exotic dancer and sometimes she would consider. She just wouldn't do it.

No matter how hard it gets.

Snatching the paycheck out of his hand she shoves it into her pocket and grabs her things from behind the counter.

Alana watches on with tears in her eyes. Her hazel eyes glance over at a black stroller that appears to be a little worn out. Inside is a chubby brown skin baby girl who despite the noise is sleeping peacefully.

Mareena's heart wrenches with sadness and sympathy. She knows firsthand how it feels to get tossed to the curb when you have your back against the wall. Her heart weeps for Yasmín.

Steven feels an ache in his chest as his eyes stay on the sleeping baby. So many times he watched his mother hustle for every dollar just to keep the lights on and hot plates on the table. He knew this woman was trying her best. He could see it all over her behavior.

Yasmín slings her baby bag over her shoulder and hastily pushes the stroller out the door. With Steven stuck in his nostalgic thoughts and Alana wallowing in her emotional and mental sadness, Mareena hurriedly follows after the young girl.


When I burst through the glass doors I turn my head to and fro looking for her.

Finally I spot her halfway down the the street headed towards the sidewalk. Hastily, I run after her as fast as I can in these heels.

My breathing is very loud as I chase after the surpisingly fast girl. Coming up behind her I reach out and grab her shoulders. She immediately tenses and spins around with her fists up.

I quickly release her shoulders and cup her tear-streaked cheeks tightly but lovingly.

"Yasmín it's me. Mareena, remember!" I shout staring into her cloudy brown eyes. She stares at me for a moment with an unsure look on her face.

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