Chapter Twelve

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"She isn't burping Ms. Yasmín!", Alana shouts as she bounces little Christiana as she pats her back.

The same day Yasmín got fired from her job Steven offered for her to stay in a modern condo he owns in the Bronx.

The young woman was shocked. She had heard about Steven a little on the news before so she knew who he was.

Steven, on the other hand felt obligated to do it. He felt so ready to help Yasmín because he saw a woman who is trying her best to provide for her child.

He wanted to help her the way he couldn't help his mother. His mother abandoned her children because it was tough and here Yasmin is doing what she can to take care of herself and her daughter.

Mareena was glad to see Steven giving to someone voluntarily. The hardened man showed openly his empathy for Yasmín and Christiana.

It's been a week since that day. Mareena asked Steven to drop her and Alana off at the condo to check on Yasmín.

Strangely her and Steven have barely been talking. He's once again became closed-off. Mareena has been wondering about what she did to make him shut down again.

The truth is she didn't do anything wrong to effect his behavior.

Ever since that night when Mareena lost her cool Steven has been desperately fighting against his feelings.

Seeing Mareena stirred up a feeling inside him that he can't control. Her smile. Her laugh. The twinkle in her eyes. They affected him in the weirdest and unfamiliar way.

He couldn't bring himself to call up Savannah to distract himself. It wasn't working to deny his feelings. So he's been forcing himself to shut down.

"Try rubbing her back in circles Lana!", Mareena shouts as she stirs the pot of beef stew inside the pressure cooker.

Yasmín is beside her preparing the white rice for the dish.

A loud burp erupts from little Christiana causing everyone to laugh.

"Hey Yas taste this please.", Mareena says holding the wooden spoon up to Yasmin's mouth. Yasmín blows on it then taste the stew.

Her taste buds erupt in joy as the spices and flavors touch her tongue.

"Mmm girl where you learn to cook like this!", Yasmin yells with food still in her mouth.

Mareena smiles as Yasmín gulps it down. Ever since she started to staying with Steven and Alana she got back into cooking. It was something she loved to do when she was younger.

"My grandma taught me well didn't she?", she answers.

"Meme cooks for me and Stevie. Her food tastes soooo good!" Alana says happily entering the kitchen.

She bounces Christiana on her hip smiling. Alana immediately felt connected to the little baby when she saw her. Like she was someone Alana could squeeze and hug for hours.

The little chunky baby loves Alana right back. They have been like best friends and both Mareena and Yasmín love watching the two interact.

"Alright ima let it stew down while we go shopping." , Mareena states putting the lid on the pressure cooker.

Steven happily gave Yasmín money to go shopping for clothes and toiletries for herself and Christiana. He also gave Mareena and Alana money for their outfits for the gala.

Yasmin has a worn out 2017 Honda Accord that she stopped driving because of not having the money to continue paying for gas and repairs.

Now since she has a generous amount of money she decided they could travel in her car.

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