Chapter Seven

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I gulp as I hear the back door slam. Something just urged me to try and make her feel the pain I feel.

She will probably dispeise me now.

Usually I wouldn't care. Usually that would be the usual.

Be a jerk to people and maybe they'll leave you alone. She hasn't yet. The short brown skin woman has been persistent.

Smiles and "reassuring" words. To say I hate it is not true, but I don't like it either. It feels weird.

The way my own lips want to smile back when her plump ones grin brightly at weird.

The way the sound of laughter that leaves her lips almost draws out my own.

It's all so weird that my troubled heart seems to beat a little faster when it happens.

She is the kindest woman you have ever met.

She puts up with your bull and she loves Alana.

You wonder why no one loves you. This is why every leaves you!

You are the reason!

A full blown self- destruction erupts in my mind. I shake my mind trying to block it out. They keep going and going.

Your better off if she leaves.

You really think she would ever love you!

Your unloveable.

No! No that's not true!

I shake my head vigorously as I start to sweat.

No one even wanted to stay with you.

Everyone has left you.

As hard as I try it continues. I clench my eyes shut and shake my head frantically.

Your unlovable Steven! Unlovable!

In frustration and desperation I blindly swing and drive my fist through the beige wall.

My fist drives straight through and my hand starts throbbing immediately. With my hand still inside the wall I close my eyes and pant, trying to calm my turbulent emotions.

I slowly pull my hand out wincing as the irritated skin drags along the drywall. Inspecting my hand I frown. A generous amount of blood is smeared on my tan skin.

Slowly dropping my arm to my side I sigh.

What do I do now?

Alana's mad at me.

Reena's probably wanting to sock me square in the face.

Go to her.

I furrow my brows and shake my head lightly. If I go out there she might go crazy.

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