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Work the next day drags so slowly. Maybe it's because I know that I'm meeting Seth afterwards, or just because I'm already bored with this week, but either way I find myself restless throughout the entire day.

I work mostly on my own, just going over designs from other people and editing a few of my own.

Eventually, the end of the day arrives and after finishing something up, I quickly pop to the toilets to check my appearance and make sure I don't have any stains anywhere or anything. We've only been texting every now and again over the last few days so it's nothing serious, but somehow, the thought of seeing him again makes me a little nervous.

I quickly shoot a message to Rose, reminding her that I'm not coming back after work. I didn't see her at all yesterday and if she came home at all, I was asleep by then. When I left this morning, she wasn't up and about, so I thought it would be silly to wake her.

A lot of people are leaving the building at the same time because almost everyone finishes at five, so it takes a few minutes for me to locate Seth through the throng of people milling about on the street outside, but I eventually spot him standing near the entrance.

The last time I saw him, he was dressed very smartly, but this time he's in black skinny jeans and a grey hoodie, donning a beanie and sunglasses to hide himself, presumably. Given how popular he is, he probably doesn't want to be recognised everywhere he goes. Luckily, the people of New York tend to be relatively self-absorbed and don't really look at strangers passing by on the street, especially if they're dressed inconspicuously.

I approach him slowly, partly so as not to draw attention to ourselves, but mostly because I'm a little nervous. 'Seth.'

He glances up from his phone and his face shifts to a smile. 'Hey, Cora. I was just beginning to think that maybe I'd missed you in the mad rush of people.'

Something tugs in my belly at the sight of him smiling at me and I realise that whether he's dressed smartly like he was last time or is in more casual attire, it doesn't change my attraction towards him whatsoever.

'I was just finishing some things up at work,' I explain, pushing my thoughts away. 'Anyway, I'm enjoying the hat and glasses combo. You must be a real celebrity, huh?'

He chuckles lightly at my comment, shaking his head. 'Yeah, I'm always being harassed for one thing or another, didn't you know?' he teases back. 'I'm always having to run away from the cameras.'

I let the smile spread over my face. 'Poor you, it must be such a tough life.'

With that, he offers me his elbow, still laughing. 'It really is,' he agrees. 'Anyway, I was thinking that we could go for a bit of a wander around here and then maybe get some food? We can just see how we're feeling. How does that sound?'

I tuck my arm through his elbow and smile up at him. 'Sounds good,' I agree lightly.

He leads me down the street, easily dodging the constant oncoming flow of people, clearly used to it. I clutch onto his arm, easily keeping pace with him despite his long legs.

We wander along for a while, eventually reaching some quieter streets where there aren't so many people and it's easier to talk to each other, without having to constantly worrying about being in people's way.

'How was your day?' Seth asks, pushing his sunglasses on top of his hat now that we're not in such a busy setting. 'Was work busy?'

I shrug. 'It wasn't necessarily eventful, but I had stuff to do all day, yeah. I was just working on some designs and things like that, nothing major. How was your day?'

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