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The following morning, I can't stop the butterflies swarming around my stomach, the nerves getting the better of me.

Rose laughs softly, shaking her head as I groan in panic, rifling through my closet. 'He said dress warm, but it's spring, Rose! What does that even mean?'

It is pretty sunny outside, but there seems to be a bit of a breeze too, so it won't actually be all that warm.

'I'd just wear jeans and take a hoodie,' she offers helpfully. 'You won't stifle, but you probably won't get too cold either. Don't panic about it too much, Cora, really. Anyway, if he's coming here, he can always tell you to get changed if it isn't appropriate for what you guys are going to do.'

Rose is yet again coming to the rescue with her level head, especially because it's now quarter to eleven and I really need to get myself in order. We're sitting in my room and I'm panicking about every little thing. I don't know why I'm so nervous but I can't help myself.

I nod and pull out my grey NYU hoodie from when I was a student there and I locate a pair of black skinny jeans. I also find a nice forest green top and quickly change into my chosen outfit. 'Right. Thanks, Rose. What would I do without you?' I laugh lightly.

She just shrugs and continues to type on her phone. 'Don't worry about it,' she dismisses me easily. 'Now do your make-up before you start running stupidly behind.'

'What are you doing today?' I ask conversationally as I sit down in front of my mirror and start my make-up.

'I'm going to go to the gym after you leave, then I think I'll meet up with Mandy for lunch,' she tells me. 'I'm just texting her just now.'

Mandy is a friend of Rose's from college, who I have always gotten on well with, but we didn't cross paths all that often.

'That sounds nice. I'm glad you have other friends outside of me,' I tease, shooting her a cheeky grin.

'Well, I have to, now that you're dating this guy,' she shoots back, but there's no heat in her words. 'I can't hang out with only you anymore.'

I laugh, pausing so I don't ruin my make-up. 'Right. Maybe we should find youa special someone to spend more time with then...'

She just shoots me a scowl. 'I'm perfectly happy not doing that, thanks.'

I respect that Rose doesn't want to get into anything with anyone any time soon but the reason why hurts my heart. She was with her last girlfriend for three years but said girl was pretty manipulative and really used Rose, which has left her a little jaded and disinterested in dating right now.

What makes it worse, though, is that I think Rose still has feelings for her ex when in reality, that girl doesn't deserve anything from someone as wonderful as my best friend.

I finish my make-up still lost in thought and Rose doesn't move the conversation either – from the look on her face, she's still thinking along the same lines as me.

I've just finished when my phone rings and I quickly answer, frowning when I realise that it's my mother who's calling. 'Hey, Mom.'

'Cora, how are you?' she asks immediately. 'I was just calling to ask you if next weekend would suit you for coming to see us? I know we talked about it last week but I just wanted to confirm.'

I quickly grab my laptop which has my calendar on it and scan it. 'Yeah, that sounds good to me,' I reply, smiling infectiously. I wasn't always necessarily close to my parents, but I do always love going home.

'Great, I'll write that down,' she says and excitement trickles into her tone. 'Maybe try and talk Terrence into coming too, would you? We haven't seen either of you in ages.'

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