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The next stage of Dad's plan comes into effect later on that day.

After Mom and I had put all the shopping away and finished our conversation, we met with the others, to go to the Museum of Modern Art.

Of course, there was one fairly major issue.

Mom hates museums. She's always said what a waste of money they are, particularly ones that are filled with modern art – or nonsense, as she refers to it.

She protests loudly and Terry, to my surprise, agrees.

It occurs to me, then, though, that Dad knew all along that this would happen.

He looks at both of them innocently. 'You don't have to come. Why don't you go the Public Library? Or St Patrick's Cathedral?'

I nearly burst out laughing as I realise what he's done.

Mom and Terry both look like deer caught in the headlights as it dawns on them that Dad has suggested they spend time together – just the two of them.

Katie catches on pretty quickly and seems pretty taken with this idea. 'Sounds good,' she says suddenly, taking my hand, as though to stop me suddenly deciding Terry needs back up.

'We'll go to the museum, you can go to the library and we'll meet back in a bit,' she continues joyfully, dragging Stephen and me away before either of us can say anything.

Dad follows us and I turn around, meeting Terry's desperate eyes.

Suddenly, I feel terribly guilty. 'Are you guys sure-'

'Yes,' Katie interrupts me. 'They need to talk.'

'But is this the right way to do it?'

Dad sighs. 'I don't see any other way.'

I'm not sure that I necessarily agree with him, but I do know that Mom and Terry need to talk things through.

'I didn't know my family could be so conniving,' I mutter under my breath.

'I wouldn't call us that,' Dad protests, but it's weak.

The thing is, the others didn't see Terry turn up at my flat after he realised how angry Mom was with him. They haven't sat with him and had lengthy conversations about how he feels about the whole thing. I don't think they really understand how difficult this has been for him.

I swallow back all those accusations though, because there's nothing I can do about it now.

We've left him to fend for himself with Mom and I can only hope things will turn out all right.

I send him a quick apology text and decide to leave it at that.

The four of us do actually have a lovely time at the museum, despite the guilt and apprehension tugging at my belly.

Once we've had enough of the museum, Dad phones Mom to see how they're getting on, but she doesn't pick up. Terry doesn't answer when I phone him, either.

'Well, shall we just wander around then?' Dad suggests. 'We could go to Times Square.'

We agree to blend in with the tourists, walking around and looking at the sighs.

Katie seems to genuinely enjoy herself, for which I'm very grateful.

One look at Stephen confirms that he's as grateful as I am.

When Mom finally phones Dad back to let him know that she and Terry are coming to meet us, the rest of us are starting to get hungry.

As they approach, both of their expressions are unreadable.

Touch The Sky | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora