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As expected, my first day back at work is absolutely crazy. Given that I didn't check my work emails all week, I have so many things to catch up on.

I sit at my desk for what feels like forever, staring at my screen and trying to get everything done. I have multiple meetings, too, which are exhausting.

Mr Garth informs me via email that he has a packed schedule today but asks me to meet him tomorrow for what he wanted to discuss last week.

I only realise that I've stayed past five o'clock when my phone rings. I frown, reaching it out of my bag, noticing that it's already half past five.

I don't answer Seth's call, but quickly finish what I'm working on.

After having not really spoken much the rest of the week, I texted him yesterday to let him know I was on my flight home. I didn't get back to my flat until nine o'clock and went straight to bed after a very quick catch up with Rose.

Once I've finished the last thing I need to do today, I grab my things and leave the office, rushing down the stairs. I press my phone to my ear and call Seth back.

As soon as he answers, I rush to explain that I didn't notice the time until he called. 'I've honestly been so swamped all day,' I complain. 'More importantly, how are you?'

'I'm all right,' he replies, his tone slightly off.

Honestly, I feel a swift kick to the gut. I didn't really realise until now just how much I've missed his voice this past week. I'm aware I've been a little distant this last week while I've been away and he doesn't deserve it at all.

'I'm just wondering when I next get to see my girlfriend, that's all. She's been quite busy saving the world this week.'

For some reason, my stomach swoons at the idea of me being his girlfriend. We didn't say it in so many words last time I saw him, but it makes sense.

Also, my heart skips at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he's not that mad at me.

'Are you busy right now?' I suggest suddenly, giving in to the great urge to see him. 'I'm literally just leaving work so I'm not that far from your flat.'

Seth pretends to contemplate, but after a moment he can't help the laughter. 'Yes, come over,' he says eagerly. 'I've missed you.'

I sigh, my heart squeezing. 'I've missed you too,' I admit as I cross the road, heading for the subway station. Last time, it took me nearly an hour to walk to Seth's, and even though I was taking my sweet time, I'm not sure I want to wait that long this time.

Still, I'm a little nervous to do this. I've missed him and I hope he knows that, despite my lack of contact with him. I seem to have this terrible habit of pulling away slightly when things go badly wrong. I was just focused on my family this week.

'Listen,' I say, nerves building. 'I'm getting on the subway. I'll see you soon, okay?'

After I hang up, I shoot a quick text to Rose to explain that I'm going to Seth's this evening, so I'll see her later on.

It's actually Emmett who lets me in to the flat, with an excitable Leo bouncing at his heels. 'Hey, Cora, it's good to see you,' he greets me. 'I was just heading out with Leo, so I'll see you in a bit. Seth's in his room, I think.'

I let them out – after cuddling with Leo for a minute, of course – and make sure the door is closed behind me. Just as Emmett said, Seth's in his room, reading a book on his bed.

He looks up when I enter and smiles. 'Hey.'

To my relief, it's a bright smile, making me think he's pretty pleased to see me.

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