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Later that night, I receive a text from my Dad.

The hotel café opens early tomorrow. Meet me at 0730 for a coffee?

My heart warms suddenly and I immediately agree.

Seth, on the other hand, doesn't reply to my three text messages.

The next morning, I make my way to the café to meet Dad, despite my exhaustion. I can hardly keep my eyes open, particularly because I haven't actually had my morning coffee yet.

When I reach the hotel, I find Dad sitting in the café area, waiting for me. It only occurs to me then that he might be angry about yesterday, but the second I see him, I push that thought of out of my mind.

He stands up, pulling me into a hug, squishing me against him.

I relax immediately, closing my eyes as I rest my forehead against his shoulder. 'Hey.'

'Good morning, Cora,' he says, pulling away and sitting down opposite me.

I pull the chair out and take a seat. 'Good morning, Dad. Thanks for inviting me.'

He shrugs casually, turning around in his seat to flag down a member of staff. 'I figured you could do with it today.'

A warm feeling unfurls in my chest as I'm reminded once more why it is I'm so grateful for having a man like Dad in my life. 'Thank you.'

He orders us two cups of coffee, before looking at me brightly. 'So, tell me more about this boyfriend of yours, then.'

My stomach bubbles, wondering when said boyfriend of mine is going to actually reply to my texts. Deciding Dad doesn't need to know that at the minute, though, I push it away.

'Are you mad?' I ask, instead.

He raises an eyebrow. 'What would I be mad about?'

I laugh. 'The same things that Mom is. That my boyfriend is white and that I didn't tell you about him before now.'

Dad softens and shakes his head. 'No. You're old enough to judge for yourself if it's a good idea to be in a relationship with him. He won't understand some of the racial issues you have faced throughout your life, but I trust that you know what you're doing. If he's treating you well, then what complaint could I possibly have?'

I breathe a sigh of relief.

'As for you not telling us, I can't say I feel annoyed about that, either. The three of you have always lived your lives fairly privately, which I imagine your mother and I have not really helped with that, given that we haven't always been the best at communicating with you ourselves,' he continues.

Dad's honesty makes me feel funny. Sometimes, I wonder if I deserve this man.

'I think you were going to tell us, I just think you were sensitive in not making it a big deal when we all went to visit Katie.'

I nod. 'Yeah, basically. We should be trying to support her right now and I just wasn't sure when the right time was, you know? It's not like I'm keeping him a secret.'

I don't tell him that I have admittedly been a little worried about it given Mom's reaction to Terry. Not only that, but I know it's been so hard on Terry and for her to accept my relationship and not his would have been so hard for him, so I just kept quiet.

He just smiles at me. 'I know. I don't think he'd enjoy this weekend, anyway, given all of the tension that seems to be looming over us.'

I take a deep breath, building up the courage before I can lose it again. 'Are you angry with Terry?'

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