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The date with Seth has my head spinning for the next three days straight. It doesn't really help that I haven't heard much from him, just a text here and there.

I feel ridiculous, but I can't help obsess over it all. Tuesday was such a wonderful evening and I can't stop thinking about every little detail, replaying each one over and over again.

It's Friday evening now and Rose and I are standing in our kitchen talking, while making dinner.

Rose never opened up about what had happened a few nights ago when she had to cancel our dinner plans and I haven't pushed it. I've known her for long enough to know she'll come to me when she's ready to talk about it.

'I'm just glad it's the weekend now, so I don't have to deal with all the work drama anymore,' Rose continues telling me about her stressful day. 'It's just getting old now, you know? We're all supposed to be adults, so I don't really get why they can't just act a bit more mature rather than starting petty fights all the time.'

'Right,' I agree, stirring the pan with a spoon. 'I mean, obviously, not everybody is going to get on with each other all of the time, but the least they can do is act civil towards each other. If they don't want to talk to each other, they can just walk away, surely?'

She sighs, shaking her head and her tight curls bounce. 'You'd think so.'

Some of the people Rose works with have been arguing non-stop this week over the most ridiculously petty things and it seems that she's just reached the end of her tether.

Before our conversation can go any further, the buzzer sounds and Rose's originally troubled expression turns bright in an instant. 'That'll be Sara,' she grins, rushing to the buzzer to let her in.

Sara is the third girl in our trio from university, but we don't see her as often now. She married Jared, her boyfriend since the beginning of freshman year, nearly right after graduating and now they have a two-year-old daughter. She's the classic blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin, so she always stood out against our dark complexions and black hair.

Sara's pretty busy these days, caught in between working and being a doting mother, so it's often hard to co-ordinate for the three of us to spend time together. We all really treasure the times we do manage it, like tonight.

When she makes it to the door, her face is almost split in two with such a big smile on it. 'I haven't seen you guys in ages,' she gushes. 'How are you?'

We usher her in and catch up, all talking so fast it's hard to make out what the other is saying.

I serve the beetroot risotto that I've pulled together, smiling at the appreciative murmur from both of them.

'I knew there was a reason I'm friends with you,' Sara jokes, a teasing glint in her eye as she ties up her long hair to stop it getting in the way of her food. 'I always eat well whenever I'm here.'

Rose laughs, nodding her hair in agreement. 'Right? I love it when Cora cooks something.'

I smile, my face warming a little at the praise I get from the pair of them. 'Thanks, guys. I rarely make things that are difficult, though. You're both just easily impressed.'

As we eat our dinner, Sara turns the conversation towards us. 'So, what have you guys been up to lately? I'm so sorry I haven't seen you in a few weeks, it's honestly just been so hectic with one thing and another.'

I shake my head immediately. Honestly, I know how busy she is and it's really impressive that she manages to see us as often as she does. Married life with children is bound to be crazy and neither Rose nor I can really blame her for it. Anyway, she seems so happy with the life she and Jared have made for themselves that I couldn't be unhappy about it for even a split-second.

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