Chapter 24: The Hectic Day of Wedding

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The pale morning sun was escaping through the little spaces between the tree leaves, painting Inosuke's face with a few dots of light. He was standing before his mother's memorial, watching the flowers as the wind blew over its petals.

Inosuke didn't realize that a smile was formed on his face, thinking about the time that had passed. Four years ago, he would reward people with shiny acorns and freshly picked flowers from the forest.

The poppies he bought from the town illustrated his outstanding growth in maturity.

As he crouched down, Inosuke's eyes glanced over his own outfit, recalling his own journey of becoming an adult. He was once a brutal mountain king, but now, he wanted to live his life peacefully with the one he loved.

His body was laced with a black formal kimono, topped with another dark haori. He was also forced to wear many underthings. Inosuke struggled to prevent himself from tearing the top down and revealing his chest, but he promised to be proper for only today.

On top of that, he promised Aoi, out of all people.

Plus, Uzui was adamant in putting makeup over his face. Inosuke compensated the former sound pillar's wish by bargaining that he would keep his clothes intact the whole day.

He brushed his fingers over the carved name of Kotoha Hashibira.

Slowly, he murmured, "Mom, I'm going to get married today."

Although his heart sunk upon knowing that his mother would never be able to witness this historical moment, Inosuke still wanted to inform her.

Sobbing, tears forming in his eyelids, he continued, "Did you hear that, mom? I'm going to be a husband. I've grown up like you wanted me to."

At the Butterfly Estate, the three female assistants, Uzui and Shinjuro were shouting because Inosuke went missing. They were requested to be in charge of the grooms.

Tanjiro and Zenitsu calmed them down, saying that he was already prepared for the ceremony. His friends knew Inosuke wanted to visit his mother before the officiation.

"There's nothing more that I want but for you to meet Aoi. I believe that somewhere, you're watching us today though. Please, pray for our happiness, mom," he finished, stood up and began walking away.

He stopped at the entrance, closed the gate and smiled one last time to his mother's grave as if she was there, gazing at the sight of her beloved son in his wedding kimono.

A gust of wind blew over his cheeks

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A gust of wind blew over his cheeks. His face suddenly felt warm like the sudden brush of one's fingers over his skin.

Once he returned to the manor, the Butterfly Estate was swirling with guests and visitors. Many people were invited due to the wedding of three couples in one day. Chatters and chirps were coming from every direction, making the manor look cheerful and striking, indicating the upcoming happy days of marriage.

B. L. U. E. (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi // Kimetsu no Yaiba)Where stories live. Discover now