Bonus Chapter (2): Zenitsu's Timeless Proposals Receive an Answer

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A/N: Happy birthday, Zenitsu! Btw, are you guys ready for the epilogue tomorrow?

"Please become my wife, Nezuko-chan!"

"You're so beautiful, Nezuko-chan. No one's more suitable for me than you as my wife!"

"I can't stand calling you by your name anymore, Nezuko-chan. Marry me and become my wife!"

Each day, Zenitsu would propose to Nezuko for at least three times. He couldn't help, but fall in love with Nezuko again and again, always getting his heart caught in her antics.

Nezuko smiling to him out of courtesy? He would die of cuteness.

Nezuko feeding him the food she cooked? He wouldn't eat something else ever in his life.

Nezuko stitching up his torn haori? He wouldn't wear it anymore but treasure it forever.

Zenitsu had always been described as a person who would be intrigued by all kinds of women in this world. Sometimes, people would make fun of him by saying that he wouldn't mind marrying the ugliest of the sort. Zenitsu would fight because he believed that all women had their own charms in very different ways.

However, due to his character that made people never take him seriously, they would always laugh at his statements as if he was only further mocking those women.

His feelings for Nezuko was the most debatable of all. He had once chased Nezuko around the room because he was jealous of Tanjiro carrying such a cute girl with him.

But people were wrong about his feelings being merely fleeting.

Zenitsu was sincere for Nezuko. He was more than what people thought he was.

Yes, it was true that his initial feelings were affected by the fact that Nezuko was the cutest girl he had ever laid his eyes on.

As time passed by, gradually however, he found himself really in love with her.

He had fallen inexplicably hard for Nezuko. When she was a demon, he admitted that he was attracted to her because of her irresistible looks, but once she reverted back to a human, he grew up alongside her, including his feelings.

Nezuko was more than just the cute 'mmph' girl he had known before. She had grown unmistakably beautiful, more dangerous to his sanity that he had anticipated.

She was also the first girl who had acted really nice around him.

Treating him like any other guys, not rejecting him during the first time his eyes descended on her and even the only girl who thanked Zenitsu for his strength.

To be so deprived of female company for so long and suddenly having Nezuko by his side was like a shock, but it was welcomed and more subtle.

Zenitsu would be crazy to not fall for her.

Nezuko was a kind girl who bore sounds similar to Tanjiro—the soft, calm-inducing music that would often remind him of dandelions swaying in the middle of a large meadow.

As more time passed, Zenitsu found it harder and harder to imagine himself not marrying her.

Oh, it was his exact dream to make Nezuko his wife.

He wouldn't ask for nothing more in his life.

Zenitsu had tried numerous times using various methods to propose. His throat had gotten parched and his voice gone after proclaiming his endless love for her.

Being kind-hearted, she had always replied nothing, but 'yes' and 'sure'.

"Sure, I'd marry you any day!"

B. L. U. E. (InoAoi // Inosuke x Aoi // Kimetsu no Yaiba)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora