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the bus ride took a little longer than expected, due to several traffic jams. however, to most students on the vehicle it went by sooner than it actually took.

for example, seokmin and jisoo had been talking for the full two and a half hours. once he started, seokmin didn't know how to stop and jisoo kept listening to everything he said attentively, unconsciously blushing from time to time.

meanwhile, even mingyu and wonwoo were making small progress. wonwoo dropped his mean attitude, not being able to complain any more to the big guy who resembled a puppy after the snacks he bought for the two of them.

mingyu had been the one talking, constantly trying to get wonwoo to talk as well, showing interest in whatever came to his mind. while wonwoo on the other hand, only replied with short answers, not being used to having a full conversation with someone. although he had to admit, after spending a good two hours next to the talk active boy, he started to warm up to him.

soonyoung ended up falling asleep in an uncomfortable position; on jihoon's shoulder. and while jihoon swore to everyone around him how much hatred feelings he felt towards the taller male, he couldn't help but to swoon over the spring-like scent that lingered on him.

however, when soonyoung woke up, his spiteful attitude towards the taller returned. even after soonyoung's sincere apologies.

seungkwan was finally able to get rid of his awkwardness he felt around hansol when they first met. after spending their entire night on facetime, his usual loud and sassy self started coming trough. especially when he found out hansol was feeling himself even more when he did so.

hansol had intentionally pulled seungkwan's head on his shoulder, his flirty side obviously showing. but how could seungkwan complain about it?

jeonghan and junhui managed to get seats behind minghao and seungcheol. so when the vehicle took off and their teacher, mister lee, checked to see if everyone sat next to the right person, they switched seats.

the chinese couple had spent their entire ride sleeping, cuddled up in an uncomfortable position in the tiny space available. meanwhile, jeonghan and seungcheol acted all lovey-dovey as they cuddled, shamelessly made out and flirted with each other the entire time.

and finally, chan. who felt like the luckiest man on earth, sitting with his legs spread out on both chairs, earphones plugged in and comfortably sleeping the entire ride.

but once their bus stopped at the location, hidden deep in the forest, chaos outside the bus and around the luggage appeared again.

wonwoo was the first to push a way out of the crowd, followed by an overly worried mingyu. "are you sure you don't want me to grab your bag for you?" but wonwoo shook his head in disapproval.

"i'll wait until it gets less crowdy." he shortly replied, finally managing to break loose from all the people surrounding him. and when he turned around, mingyu's face had disappeared in the mass of students, both boys and girls aggressively pushing back and forth to be the first to get their bags.

meanwhile, wonwoo took his time to take a look at the terrain they were staying on for the upcoming three nights. with a deep sigh, he turned off his phone, now he was unable to use it due to a lack of wifi connection.

the first thing that caught wonwoo's eyes were the several small wooden buildings, built in the middle of an open spot. one of those were going to be his, in the company of the other twelve boys he was set up with for their stay here.

another thing that drew his attention was a big circle, decorated with stones, serving as a fire place surrounded by gigantic tree stumps as chairs. was this one of those typical camping pictures? where their teacher would strum soft tunes on his guitar while they had to sing along with it?

wonwoo nearly puked at the idea. he was determined to stay inside the cabin if they planned on doing that.

trees that reached high up the sky surrounded the big open spot like a huge gate, giving him the feeling like they were locked in. the fact that they had to drive half an hour through the forest, a lot of shady unpaved roads crossing their way, gave wonwoo an even more endangering feeling.

something seems off..

"pretty isn't it?" wonwoo jumped when he heard a voice behind him all of a sudden.

when he turned around and saw mingyu, cheekily grinning, he got the sudden urge to punch him in his chest. which he didn't do, of course, still grateful for the way mingyu acted towards him. even when he still not quite understood mingyu's sudden change in persona whenever he was around.

"i guess." wonwoo shrugged, his eyes suddenly landing on a way too familiar bag mingyu carried along. "i told you-"

"-you're too easy! come on, all i had to do was ask if jeon wonwoo's bag was still in there. you're lucky to have a name tag on it, else you would have to come back in half an hour or so, seeing how crowded it is."

mingyu playfully threw the bag in wonwoo's direction, wonwoo stumbling on his feet at the sudden weight being thrown at him, leaving him wondering how strong mingyu had to be to throw a weight like that as if it was nothing.

"come, let's check out our cabin!" mingyu said in the cheerful voice wonwoo started to get used to.

"shouldn't we wait for mister lee?" wonwoo asked, confused as to which of the small buildings was meant for them to sleep in.

"he just told me we sleep in the one all the way on the right." mingyu explained, wandering off as wonwoo shrugged and trailed him to the outcalled building.

"i hope you're right. i don't want to unpack all my stuff just to find out it's supposed to be one of the girls rooms." wonwoo humphed, making mingyu chuckle in delight.

"just trust me on this one. i don't want to be found in the girls bedroom just as much as you.." mingyu added something underneath his breath, hoping for it to not be heard by wonwoo, "..i prefer boys anyways."

wonwoo's cheeks lit up, flustered as to why mingyu had to mention that all out of a sudden.

"yeah, i do too."

wonwoo didn't even know why he said that so bluntly, he hadn't even properly told his parents yet. but when mingyu said it, so flustered and silent, wonwoo suddenly felt the need to comfort him by telling him something like that as well.

and it worked.

because a wide grin from ear to ear appeared on mingyu's face. however, he tried to play it off cool, trying to hide his happy outburst somehow.

"cool, we should eh.." he coughed to cover up his last few words, speaking so fast wonwoo could nearly make out what he was trying to say "..gooutsometimes."

"what?" wonwoo asked in confusion, his cheeks growing redder when he realized he understood clearly what mingyu just asked him.

"oh nothing! my throat just hurts! come let's go inside, i bet they don't even lock these things!" mingyu shrugged it off, opening the door with ease and walking inside.

he really is something. wonwoo thought to himself, not able to hide the smile that unconsciously crept on his face, following mingyu inside.

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