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the thirteen teens just sat there, staring at the door with an obnoxious silence filling the atmosphere. who was supposed to knock on their door at this time? the teachers weren't allowed to disturb them after dinner, only to check on them when it was time for bed.

they all had a presentiment that there was something off. especially when another rather intrusive knock echoed their room for the third time.

"shall i check who it is?" seungcheol offered, taking full responsibility as the eldest in their group. however, his eyes gave away that he was terrified to check the door as much as everyone else.

"but what if-" "don't worry babe, we're on a school camp! what can possibly go wrong?" seungcheol ensured his boyfriend, who visibly wasn't so certain about that.

seungcheol pushed himself up from the top bed and let himself sink down to the floor, landing with a soft thud when his socks hit the carpeted floor. a shiver went down his spine when he walked closer to the door, making him question himself if everything was as alright as he just told his group.

something seems wrong.

with trembling fingers he enclosed the doorknob with his hand, slowly pulling down the handle to reveal whatever was bothering them.

it had became fully dark, making it even more questionable as to why someone was so desperately knocking on their door. until the door swung fully open, revealing the four intruders standing in the door opening.

seungcheol let out a relieved sigh and tried to get his heart back on a steadier pace now it was confirmed that there was indeed nothing to worry about. the mortifying atmosphere that hung in the cabin started fading as well, seeing the visitors weren't that scary after all.

four girls were gathered at their door, one of them holding onto a tiny pink gift bag, all looking at seungcheol in anticipation.

seungcheol, however, just returned a confused look as he didn't quite understood why there were four girls gathered at their cabin. "uh.. can i help you?" he asked, nonchalantly leaning with his shoulder against the wooden doorframe to block the entrance as he had no idea what their intentions were.

"we heard that chan is here!" a blonde haired girl spoke, which seungcheol assumed as the tallest among them.

"yes.. he is?" seungcheol answered with a spark of hesitation in his voice, still eyeing the four girls one by one, "what do you need him for?"

the smallest girl who was holding on to the gift bag bravely took a step forward, confidently lifting her head. "i have something for him!" her voice was high pitched, a little too high in seungcheol's opinion, making him question if she spoke in that tone on purpose or if she usually sounds like that.

"eh.. chan-" but before seungcheol could turn around he was violently pushed aside, making him stumble and nearly fall, which only happened in rare occasions seeing his broad posture.

chan raged towards the door, aggressively slamming his fist against the doorframe, making the girls and everyone in the room flinch by his unexpected move. what on earth is happening?

"what do you want from me?" his voice sounded a few octaves deeper as he crossed his arms to look more intimidating.

however, it didn't seem to budge the girl who still tried to shoot her shot. she offered him the bright pink and cutely decorated gift bag by raising her arm, seemingly not worrying about the dangerously heavy tone in his voice.

"chan, i've had a crush on you ever since junior year. please accept my love.. and the cookies i baked you!"

out of every reaction she expected, chan did the exact opposite.

slowly he bit the inside of his cheek, rolling his eyes in sarcasm before mocking her expression.  "oh chan, i've had a crush on you since- BULLSHIT!" and with the last word he furiously slammed his fist on the doorframe again, making everyone flinch for the second time. what was this guy up to? everyone knew about his extremely unbothered behaviour, but this was crossing a line.

he felt a slender hand on his shoulder, gently pulling him back in the room. "chan, calm down, you can't treat a girl who just confessed to you like that." seokmin calmly spoke, trying to reassure the still raging boy.

but chan didn't seem to agree with it and aggressively turned around, giving seokmin a look that spit fire. "leave me the fuck alone!" he screamed before pulling his shoulder away and giving seokmin a firm push that made him fall to the ground.

"chan! what the fuck!" another voice mixed in, but chan couldn't hear it as his hearing and vision was blinded by anger.

he turned back to the girls who were silently crying at this point. the girl who just confessed to him was still offering the pink bag, hiding her face away underneath her bangs.

chan chuckled nearly psychopathic before he ripped the bag out of her hands and slammed it down on the floor outside with all capable force. "get lost." he growled, making the girls nod quickly before they reached for the bag and ran away.

chan threw the door back in its lock before he turned around and was met by an unexpected fist hitting him directly in his face, making him lose his balance for a moment.

"you ungrateful jerk! how on earth could you do that?" mingyu yelled, trying to hit chan once again with tears pricking in his eyes, which chan avoided this time, "i'm so fucking done with your behaviour! can't you act normal for once?!"

"i have to act normal?" chan asked, his voice dangerously calm, "i have to act fucking normal  when you parade around the school as mister 'i'm so popular' while all you do is bully others and act rude to literally everyone the entire time? i don't understand you dude!" chan screamed, using all force to hit mingyu in his face as well, simply knocking him down to the ground at once.

"you want to know why i did that? because i've heard it too much!" chan said, kneeing down on top of mingyu as he hit him straight in his face again, "oh chan, i like you, oh chan please love me. they all do it for the goddamn money! just because my parents are rich! that's why they confess to me over and over and i'm so fucking sick of it!"

mingyu didn't even protect himself at this point anymore, letting tears stream down his cheeks as he let chan use him to release his anger, ignoring the stinging pain he felt in his cheeks and drops of blood dripping from his nose.

"i'm so fucking done with it!" chan screamed again, tears flooding down his cheeks at this point as well.

until someone forcefully pushed chan off mingyu and pulled mingyu up against his chest. "can't you see you're hurting him? get the fuck away from him!" wonwoo shouted as well, holding the crying mingyu up against his chest as he protected his face with both his hands, with mingyu's entire body trembling in fear.

and the only thing the ten other teens could do was stare in disbelieve, at the two boys who completely broke down after their fight.

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