twenty five

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an unpleasingly loud knock was heard on the cabin's door in the early morning, ruining the sleep of the thirteen teens who were still in a deep slumber.

"wakey wakey!" mister lee peeked his head around the door, making a stroke of sunlight beam on the floor and shine directly onto the unlucky faces of several students.

even when most of them went to bed pretty early last night, the group couldn't help but to feel exhausted when mister lee forced them to wake up. perhaps he had to pick a better time instead of seven am.

"go away." chan grumbled, hiding away under the blanket of his bunkbed, visibly not ready to wake up. the first following voice came from minghao, who hid away behind his boyfriends chest, "i swear to god, if you don't close that door right now i'm wushuing your ass out of here."

"babe.. calm down.." junhui mumbled in a voice a few octaves lower, draping an arm around minghao as he covered his boyfriend with the blanket to get rid of his complaints.

mister lee could only laugh about all the grumpy faces in front of him, amused by the unpleasant reaction to his early presence. "i hate to break it to you again, but breakfast will be served in fifteen minutes. if you're not there you'll miss out on mister park's fresh baked eggs! and trust me, you wouldn't miss that for no money!"

he let his eyes wander through the room and was surprised there were even more beds empty this time, meaning more of his made couples were becoming actual couples. a pleased expression displayed on his face when his eyes landed on mingyu laying on wonwoo's chest. the two boys held onto each other as if their lives depend on it.

mister lee was well aware of the fact that both boys weren't the easiest when it came to communicating with those around them, wonwoo just simply distanced himself from everyone while mingyu just appeared as an absolute dick. it had also surprised him a lot when mingyu came to talk to him about wonwoo and how he wanted to be teamed up with him for a specific reason he didn't want to tell about.

and now here they were, so fond of each other, finally able to express who they really were. and mister lee was glad he had listened to mingyu's decision in the first place.

he let his eyes wander further through the room again, landing on jihoon and soonyoung this time. it was the second time he found them in the same bed, cuddling in a way that radiated love in a tender way.

even when he was certain about jihoon's initial objections, he also knew soonyoung would help him open up as well. soonyoung might appear as an obnoxiously loud and energetic person, but mister lee had seen far past that since the first day he had the boy in his class. because beyond all those smiles and jokes he had seen someone caring and gentle. and mister lee doubted he had ever seen a more pure human being than kwon soonyoung.

lee jihoon on the other hand gave off a cold vibe, which was exactly the opposite of who he actually was in his private time. and mister lee was aware of that after he had listened to jihoon's first ever song he released. the lyrics told a story no one had ever seen, about the lonely composer being so desperate for warmth, safety and love in general.

and soonyoung was able to give him that in a way that completed and fixed them both.

his eyes landed on the two regular couples, jeonghan and seungcheol who were already being called the parents of the group (which mister lee found out about at the campfire) and the chinese couple, who couldn't keep their hands to themselves for at least three seconds.

even when those couples got together a lot longer ago, it still managed to make the middle aged teacher happier than ever.

now hansol and seungkwan appeared to be the only ones who went on a slower pace than everyone else. while mister lee noticed them being the most obvious among them all, they took their time and didn't rush anything. that's also why they still lay in their own beds.

but the man knew, it wouldn't take long for them to get together as well.

moving on to a new couple, mister lee least expected to be together already. if he only knew how far they were. because in the lower bed, jisoo held onto a still sleeping seokmin, who was gently pressing kisses on seokmin's exposed forehead in an attempt to wake him up.

it surprised him that they were so close already. seokmin was known as one of the most innocent and kind guys through the entire school, while jisoo was familiar for the exact same things. the only benefit jisoo had in this story was that he looked more mature than seokmin, but they both had an unblemished reputation.

if the man only knew...

"good morning mister lee. i'll make sure he wakes up in time." jisoo spoke politely when he noticed mister lee's eyes had landed on them. even when it was still early and the boy preferred to stay in bed just like the twelve other teens in his room, he remained with his respectful attitude towards his teacher.

"thank you jisoo, good mannered like always!" mister lee remarked, giving the boy a quick wink before turning around and seeing chan getting up from bed as the first one. "who would have expected you to be out this early! you're getting good at this chan." mister lee pointed out proudly, silently applauding for the youngest boy whose hair pointed out in every possible direction.

"oh i'm not getting up." he replied with a sarcastic smile before turning around and jumping on top of both seungcheol and jeonghan who lay in the bottom bed, making the couple laugh about the younger's enthusiasm and cuddle him as if they were his actual parents.

and mister lee had to admit, he had to swallow away the lump that rose up in his throat. he knew about chan's parent being away for their work basically all the time, the boy growing up in a household full of maids that had to take care of him.

he had never experienced parental love. the exact type of warmth jeonghan and seungcheol were giving him and mister lee could tell by the way the two boys held onto the younger.

i made the right decision.

mister lee turned around again to leave the thirteen teens behind, so they could wake up at their own pace and join the breakfast table in about fifteen minutes. "see you guys at breakfast!" he yelled before walking out of the door.

the peaceful and loving atmosphere in the cabin made his mood even better than it already was. nothing about this day could go wrong anymore!


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