Wine -Kamukoma

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This was originally 2 parts on Ao3 and on tumblr, as it was written for two different prompts, but I'm combining it on here! The pairing is Nagito Komaeda and Izuru Kamukura.

When Nagito walked through the door of his apartment, he stopped. Something felt off.

"Kamukura-kun?" He called out nervously, but let out a sigh of relief when he heard his roommate respond.


The voice came from the living room, so Nagito wandered in, only to stop and stare in confusion.

Izuru Kamukura was sprawled lazily on the couch, his shirt half unbuttoned and a wine glass in hand.

"K-Kamukura-kun?" Nagito asked, eyes wide, "What... what are you doing?"

"Is it not obvious?" Kamukura spoke in his monotone voice as usual, but raised an eyebrow.

"Are you... are you drunk?" Komaeda gaped at the strange situation before him.

Kamukura blinked once, then twice, staring up at Nagito for several seconds before finally, "Sorry, I got distracted. Yes, it appears I am drunk. Fascinating."

"How much wine have you had?" Nagito asked cautiously, circling around the couch to sit on the other side.

Kamukura hummed, seemingly deep in thought, "Two."

"Two what? Glasses?"

Kamukura's eyes widened for a moment and he shuffled over to the other side of the couch, now only inches from Komaeda's face, "I don't understand your luck. Logically it doesn't make sense. Why is that?"

Komaeda backed away from the sudden intrusion, leaning away from the curious long haired boy, "Two what, Kamukura-kun?"

"Oh. Bottles." Izuru said this flippantly, closing the space between them once more, "I wanted to know what it felt like to be drunk. My conclusion is..." He trailed off, staring into Nagito's eyes.

Nagito sighed, "Your conclusion is?"

"Oh. My conclusion is that being drunk is inhibiting. It's distracting. And yet..." Izuru reached out and toyed with a strand of Nagito's hair, "I feel more in tune with my feelings than usual. Everything feels... brighter."

"Is that so?" Nagito couldn't help but giggle at how strange the usual stiff and cold Ultimate Hope was acting.

"You... are laughing at me?" Kamukura tilted his head in confusion, and Nagito couldn't help but laugh harder, "Why?"

"Ah. Sorry, Kamukura-kun," Nagito bowed his head, "You are just acting so different. Sort of like a curious child. It's..."

"It's what?" Kamukura reached his finger under Nagito's chin and tilted it towards him.

"C-cute," Nagito whispered, blush intensifying by the second with how close the two of them were now.

Kamukura hummed in response, releasing Nagito's chin and placing that same finger to Nagito's cheek.

"Kamukura-kun?" Nagito voice was barely audible now.

"Perhaps the next time I wish to explore intimacy, I shall come to you," Kamukura murmured, caressing the luckster's cheek, "I find you... pleasant to look at."

And with that Kamukura rose from his seat on the couch and quickly made his way back to his room.

Once he was alone Nagito released a large sigh, a goofy grin across his face.

"Kamukura... touched me..." He mumbled, recounting their interaction over and over in his head.

"Wait... NEXT TIME!?"

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