Firsts - Komahina

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This is the first of three short drabbles I wrote for Komahina week this year! Enjoy!

Hajime sat at the bench outside the dining hall, staring over the balcony and towards the sea. He wasn't really thinking, just staring at the water and trying not to think about how this was no vacation. They were really trapped here, and in an apparent killing game no less. So instead of drowning in his fears, he instead let his mind wander aimlessly, letting the hypnotizing sight of the waves wash over him. He was so preoccupied by the sight in front of him that he didn't even notice the man approaching him.

"Ah, Hinata-kun. You couldn't sleep either, I see."

Hajime couldn't help but jump in his seat, letting out a squeak of surprise as he spun his head around to come face to face with Komaeda.

The white haired boy let out a small laugh, turning to the beach in front of them, "It really is beautiful. How fortunate that we've been trapped in such a lovely place, yes?"

"Uh, it is pretty... but I'm not sure if I'd go that far."

Komaeda just hummed noncommittally in return, eyeing the waves as they washed upon the shore.

Hajime didn't turn back towards the waves, his gaze steadying upon Nagito instead. How his ghostly white hair, blowing softly in the breeze, made him look almost ethereal. How his eyes shimmered against the moonlight. How his lips quirked into a knowing smile as he caught him staring-

Oh. Oops.

He quirked up an eyebrow, "Did you need something Hinata-kun?"

"Ah- uh... nope," He quickly turned back to face the window. He let out a startled yelp as he felt Komaeda slide into the bench next to him, close enough that their hips touched, "What are you doing?"

"Hmm?" Komaeda smiled, "I'm sorry, if my lowly presence is bothering you, I can of course leave..."

"I- I didn't say that! That's not what I meant at all!"

"Then what did you mean?"

Hinata balked at Komaeda's smirk. How was this guy always able to seem so calm and cool all the time? Hinata only manage to sputter in return, thrown off by the question.

But Komaeda didn't seem bothered by his lack of an answer, and allowed himself to lean against Hinata a little more, their arms now touching one another. He let out a small titter of a laugh.

"You're such an interesting person, Hinata-kun. You know that?"

Hinata frowned, "I'm not sure what you mean. The only thing interesting about me is that I don't know my talent."

"Ah, but that's exactly what I'm talking about! We haven't unlocked your potential yet! And what amazing potential that could be! And through it all, you remain so optimistic! You have so much hope, Hinata-kun, it's really endearing!"

Hajime felt his cheeks burn as he glanced away, "S-shut up."

"Ah, of course," Nagito nodded with a smile, "If that would make you happy."

"That's not..." Hajime trailed off and the two sat in silence, pressed too close together on the wide bench, for what seemed like a long time. And yet, it was a comforting feeling, Komaeda's warmth a reassuring presence ever since Hajime had arrived on Jabberwock Island.

Finally Hajime spoke once more, "Do you think we'll really have to kill people to get off this island?"

Nagito hummed in thought for a few moments, tapping his fingers to his chin. He finally tilted his head towards Hajime and grinned, "Do you think you could?"

Hajime rolled his eyes, "Do you think you could?"

Nagito's smile never wavered as he spoke, and what once was warm and inviting became cold and unsettling in an instant, "If it comes to that."

"H-hey!" Hajime frowned, and he couldn't help but inch away from Nagito a bit, "You shouldn't joke about something like that."

"Ah, my apologies Hinata-kun," Nagito rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable."

Hajime tried to ignore the small part of his brain telling him that Nagito hadn't confirmed he was joking. Instead he let out an awkward laugh.

"You're kind of a weird guy, has anyone ever told you that?"

"More than a few times, I'm sure," Nagito looked up at the sky, a small frown on his face.

Hajime's eyes widened as he backtracked, "I- I didn't mean it as an insult!"

Nagito turned, head tilted, "Really?"

"Yeah! Jeez, it's just shit friends' say to each other, y'know?"

"Oh," Nagito sucked in a small breath, "Well... no... I wouldn't know."

"What, like you've never had a friend before?" Hajime rolled his eyes.

"No. I haven't."

"Huh?!" Hajime eye's bugged out almost comically large in actual shock, "Really?! Never?"

Nagito nodded, his lips pursed. He suddenly sagged against Hajime's shoulder and let out a small laugh, "I was actually hoping you and I might... but I suppose I was being rather presumptuous wasn't I? Especially in a situation like this. Ah, just my luck..." He let out a sad sigh.

"Wait, don't be so put out for no reason!" Hajime let out an annoyed huff, "Besides..." His voice quieted, "We're already friends, okay?"

"We... are?" Nagito let out a small gasp and absolutely beamed at Hajime, "Hinata-kun is my first friend? Ah I'm just so happy!"

Hajime had to turn away to avoid being blinded by Komaeda's radiant smile, and definitely not because of a blush rising quickly to his cheeks.

"It's really not a big deal," he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Oh but it is!" Komaeda grabbed Hinata's hand in his own, a serious look on his face as he turned to stare into the brunette's eyes, "You- this... This really means a lot to me, Hinata-kun."

Hinata felt Komaeda's hands against his, the other's face so close to his own, and time seemed to stop. The devoted look on his face made his breath hitch and he couldn't reply, only able to give a small nod in agreement. For some reason, being this close to Komaeda... well he just didn't want a moment like that to end.

But before long the moment did end, and Komaeda released Hajime's hands and stood. The brunette let out the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding.

"Thank you Hinata-kun. I'll remember this moment for the rest of my life," He looked up at the stars wistfully, hands slung behind his back, "The moment I spent with my friend."

He glanced back down at the still silent Hinata and smiled, the warm friendly smile that had drawn Hinata in in the first place, "Goodnight, Hinata-kun."

"Night, Komaeda," Hinata managed, his red face finally starting to lighten once more.

Hinata sat on the bench for a while longer. It was strange, the finality of Komaeda's statement, like for some reason they wouldn't be friends for much longer. Hajime let out a sigh and stood up, attributing to the strange feeling to the fact that they are in a freaking killing game and everyone surely must be feeling like today could be there last day. Yep. That was it.

But it wouldn't apply to them. Hinata and Komaeda would be good friends for a long time.

He could feel it.

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